For those curious how the libertarians have done over the years. There haven't been huge gains, but there is progress. RickN, this is what you have to look forward to if the Tea Party actually makes an effort to push their party into the national scene....
In 2010, there were 19 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. One candidate got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 1.7 percent.
In 2012, there were nine states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Two candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.3 percent.
In 2014, there were 24 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Eight candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.2 percent.
In 2010, there were 20 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Three candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 1.8%.
In 2012, there were 14 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Four candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.6%.
In 2014, there were 22 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Six candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.3%