Feminism and the Decline of the West

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Love the thread title. Spengler's The Decline of the West was published in 2 volumes in 1922-1923. The West, apparently, was in decline long before the feminist movement of the 1960s-1970s.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Love the thread title. Spengler's The Decline of the West was published in 2 volumes in 1922-1923. The West, apparently, was in decline long before the feminist movement of the 1960s-1970s.

Spengler made some good points, I would consider that the feminist/sexual revolution was but a symptom of a greater problem. (think lack of unity, greater value on material goods versus family) The Marxism of the 1920s has taken root and developed so well we don't even recognize it anymore, for the most part.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Here's a shot of adrenaline for this discussion:

Rape Culture: German Women Terrorized by Growing Menace of Muslim Violence

Posted on | February 2, 2016 | 32 Comments

Last month, after German women were assaulted during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Cologne, I published this headline:

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It

Well, a few actually did say a word about it — Laurie Penny, for example, denounced as “racists” anyone calling attention to sexual violence committed by Muslim men — but no feminist will acknowledge the reality of what the Islamic invasion of Europe means for women there.

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and feminists therefore advocate (as “intersectionality”) a de facto alliance with any enemy of Christianity, capitalism and democracy. Those of us old enough to remember the Cold War know that feminists defended Soviet imperialism in Cuba, Nicaragua, Angola and elsewhere. So-called “Second Wave” feminism originated in the radical New Left of the 1960s, and in the 1980s feminists were among the most outspoken enemies of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, whose policies ultimately defeated what Reagan called the “Evil Empire.” Like every other movement of the Left, feminism is anti-social in its motives and destructive in its purposes, advocating a poorly understood goal (“equality”) that is impossible in reality, even if it were desirable in theory. Friedrich Hayek explained this long ago in The Mirage of Social Justice, and the Left simply ignored him, so there is no point explaining why the Left is wrong. If they would not listen to a Nobel Prize-winning economist, they’re not going to pay attention to me, but I digress . . .

Germany is paying a price for its government’s pro-Muslim policies:

Cologne authorities say it’s impossible to guarantee 100 percent security for the German city’s famous Carnival celebrations starting this week, but security forces will be out in force to try to ensure people can enjoy the events without fear.
In the wake of a string of robberies and sexual assaults in the city on New Year’s Eve blamed largely on foreigners, police chief Juergen Matheis said Monday he’s doubling the number of officers on hand compared with last year to more than 2,000, and also bringing in 350 cadets.
Video surveillance is also being added, and local police are coordinating closely with federal counterparts, fire and rescue units and others.

Notice the politically correct omission of the word “Muslim” from that Associated Press report and notice, also, how the article shifts the perspective — “sexual assaults . . . blamed largely on foreigners” — to signal the reader not to ask, “Who committed these crimes?” but rather to wonder, “Who blamed foreigners?” It is the implied hostility toward “foreigners” that the Associated Press finds objectionable, rather than the behavior of these “foreigners,” whose identity is never specified, so that we might imagine Taiwanese tourists or American exchange students were terrorizing women in Germany. The best way to cover Muslim violence, according to the liberal media, is to pretend that it doesn’t exist.

ITEM 1: Ercan Yasaroglu, a famous German social worker, said in a recent interview that the violence that happened in Cologne on New Year’s Eve is now routine in many German cities: “Once it gets dark, drugs are sold and passers by are robbed. They act in groups, stalking their victims, for example, at an ATM. . . . Meanwhile, there are also these sexual assaults. Girls who are surrounded and groped.” The perpetrators are “young guys from North African countries.”

ITEM 2: In the small German town of Bad Schlema, Mayor Jens Müller caused outrage at a town hall meeting when he told residents their children must stay away from certain areas and “not provoke” migrants to avoid sexual harassment, as well as suggesting they need not worry because German men are a “problem” too. One resident, who expressed concern for his 10-year-old granddaughter, told the mayor that “girls have been harassed” by refugees. The mayor said: “It’s technically not necessary for the girls to walk near the refugee shelters, there are alternative routes.” When residents became angry at being told their children cannot walk in their own community, the mayor threatened to call police to have the indignant citizens removed from the meeting.

The mainstream media in America are ignoring all of this. Nobody except Pamela Geller seems to care that an all-girls school in Cologne cancelled classes to avoid putting its students at risk of rape during this week’s Carnival celebration. Feminists fomented hysteria over a non-existent “rape epidemic” on U.S. university campuses — indeed, they insisted that anyone who doubted the existence of the fictional University of Virginia rapist “Haven Monahan” was a “rape denialist” — but when gangs of men sexually assault women in the streets of Germany, the only comment from feminists is to denounce the alleged “racism” of those who condemn this barbaric violence.


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