Intruders 0 - Homeowner's Son 3

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Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
North of Harrah
Death is not a reasonable punishment for someone stealing or vandalizing property.

I agree, but are you assuming the 23yo knew why there were 3 individuals dressed in black and ski-masks were breaking into his home? He likely assumed the worst and delivered a response to stop the threat.

Not stirring pot, just wondering why people think that when someone breaks in your home, there are there to do other than bad things.


Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
North of Harrah
Just walking into an indoor shooting range with my ear plugs improperly seated makes my head swim.

I hear you there (pun intended).

I have had the unfortunate experience of having shot a pistol (not even a rifle) indoors with no earpro when I was younger. Bad week and likely have long term hearing loss of some sort from it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 13, 2007
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Tulsa Metro
When it's obvious that's all the perps are doing, you would be correct. But when they're armed and inside your home with unclear intentions? Death is a predictable outcome.

I don't have a problem with lethal force being used when it's necessary but I don't believe it should be used automatically.
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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
WTF is wrong with some of you people? OSA can get pretty douchey with the hollier than thou crowd. God knows I hung out with some kids in HS and after that went on to do stupid chit and even ended up in jail or now, dead. Trust me, at the time we weren't doing anything crazy or against the law. Things happen, kids change, anyone that believe otherwise is woefully ignorant. I've seen kids go both ways, the best of kids go south, and the worst of kids turn their life around. Doesn't happen all the time obviously, but it DOES happen.
Nobody normal thinks a life is equal to the value of a TV or jewelry, etc, whatever. You break in while no one is home IMO its a little benign compared to breaking in while someone is home. Aint right, but aint as dangerous. When someone is in the home at the time of the break-in or invasion then the level has been raised to the highest level. You just messed with someones personal security and right to feel safe. They have the right to defend their or their loved ones safety with whatever means is necessary. Home is your safe place from the world. By gosh, you poke your head in my window or door while I'm here and youre getting hurt as bad as I can hurt you or them in whatever fashion that I can manage at the time. AR, XD, martial arts, whatever.

And putting on a mask before you break in I can understand from the thieves mind, its to thwart the cameras or witnesses. But to the victim its a sign of menace and someone who doesn't want to be seen doing something they obviously aren't supposed to be doing. Or worse. And most will be less forgiving with someone with a mask on vs those without. The mask just says, to me anyways, I'm here to hurt you.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 19, 2012
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Not stirring pot, just wondering why people think that when someone breaks in your home, there are there to do other than bad things.

I'm with you on this! I've got two young daughters who know how to use weapons. They have their own ARs that they hunt with, so know how to use them effectively. I have told them that if someone kicks in the door, they are not there to do good things, so they need to go to work and not stop until the threat has stopped.


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Folks need to understand that there are consequences to their decisions. All the nanny state crap has a lot of people falsely convinced that they can literally do and get away with whatever they want. A consequence of that is the lawless society we now live in where career criminals succeed, year after year whether they are caught or not. Do I wish the young "criminals" in this case had parents/others to teach them right from wrong, invest in them, and show them a better way? Absolutely. Did they raise this situation to a deadly force situation of their own free will? Absolutely and sadly they paid for it. I don't celebrate the loss of life for young people who chose the wrong direction, but I do celebrate that there are less thieves out there who have no problem hurting me or my family to steal or get their fix.

There is no way to armchair this either, I'm sure every situation like this is different. Could it have ended differently? Sure. Could they have run off only to come back and killed the homeowner or his son later as well? Yep. It is pretty hard to argue with this response given that there were 3 of them. I'd say the homeowner's son was very fortunate to have stopped the threat without coming to harm physically.

Teach your children to be honorable, and bolster that by doing your best to be an example of what you teach them. Know who and what they are in with. Try to give them the skills necessary to navigate life properly - just like they didn't see some dangers when they were 2 years old, they still don't see the different dangers they face when they are 15-20...


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Folks need to understand that there are consequences to their decisions. All the nanny state crap has a lot of people falsely convinced that they can literally do and get away with whatever they want. A consequence of that is the lawless society we now live in where career criminals succeed, year after year whether they are caught or not.

Crime in the U.S. peaked in the late 70's and early 80's. Over the last 30-40 years crime in the U.S. has dropped considerably.
In 1980 the murder rate (per 100,000) was 10.4 Rape - 37 Robbery - 251 Burglary - 1684.
In 2015 the murder rate (per 100,000) was 4.9 Rape - 28 Robbery - 119 Burglary - 701.
We live in a much safer country now than we did 40 years ago.

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