Bombing after Manchester, UK concert

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2009
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Reality Check:

We will NEVER defeat Islamofascist Terrorism, because you can't compel an ideology to surrender, nor can you kill it. We do not have the political stomach to do the one thing that might defeat it, which is unrestricted warfare to the point the will to pursue the ideology is defeated.
Bingo.! We know how to get rid of Muslims, Milošević was on the right path but the rest of Europe couldn't stomach it. While the West has a moral problem with eliminating Muslims, the Muslim has no such misgivings. They will kill until all worship Allah. They don't see male, female, adult, child, etc. They see Muslim or Infidel. That's why they're winning.

Damn, well I tried. The whole situation with these radical folks is a quagmire that I do not believe can be solidified with any level of violence.... Killing a bad guy makes more bad guys, this is proven in that region. So we must move past that mentality if we wish this to ever end.

I don't know man, Charles Martel took care of the Muslim a few years back, and they were on their best behavior for a few generations. I don't imagine he played nice though, or let many walk back to where they came from..
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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
I don't think Islam itself is the problem. Christianity used to be pretty violent, too. If you recall all those burnings and crusades. We've killed a lot of people in the name of Christianity.

The thing about religion is that it's used by a lot of powerful people as a way to influence others and make excuses for horrific crimes. You've got these clerics in the middle east who teach these hateful versions of Islam and then use it for their own political purposes. The pope himself used to run Europe for centuries before the protestant reformation spread across Europe and England split off from the Church. Islam itself was created by a violent warlord as a means to control people and make excuses for all the horrible things he did(such as killing 'infidels.')

The problem with Islam isn't merely a religious one, in my opinion it's also a cultural one. Christian extremism is also dangerous, but it's not as exploited for that purpose as islamic extremism is. Culturally, Americans have simply ignored large parts of what used to be practiced as Christianity. For centuries, it was illegal to translate the Holy Bible from Latin, in order to control the influence of Religion and control how it was taught by the Church.

Similarly, most muslims get their ideas of Islam from clerics who spread hatred and call for jihad. Many governments in the Middle East fund programs to teach these uneducated masses violent forms of Islam like Wahabism.

I read a study somewhere that said most Terrorists/suicide bombers come from middle class, well-to-do muslim families. These aren't poverty stricken farmers blowing themselves up, a lot of them are very privileged people, compared to the average. Why do they turn towards extremism and violence? I think there is a social, cultural and political answer that transcends the religion of Islam itself. Islam, like most other religions, has a lot more to do with interpretation and exploitation than the actual religion itself. It is a social construct.



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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I don't think Islam itself is the problem. Christianity used to be pretty violent, too. If you recall all those burnings and crusades. We've killed a lot of people in the name of Christianity.

The thing about religion is that it's used by a lot of powerful people as a way to influence others and make excuses for horrific crimes. You've got these clerics in the middle east who teach these hateful versions of Islam and then use it for their own political purposes. The pope himself used to run Europe for centuries before the protestant reformation spread across Europe and England split off from the Church. Islam itself was created by a violent warlord as a means to control people and make excuses for all the horrible things he did(such as killing 'infidels.')

The problem with Islam isn't merely a religious one, in my opinion it's also a cultural one. Christian extremism is also dangerous, but it's not as exploited for that purpose as islamic extremism is. Culturally, Americans have simply ignored large parts of what used to be practiced as Christianity. For centuries, it was illegal to translate the Holy Bible from Latin, in order to control the influence of Religion and control how it was taught by the Church.

Similarly, most muslims get their ideas of Islam from clerics who spread hatred and call for jihad. Many governments in the Middle East fund programs to teach these uneducated masses violent forms of Islam like Wahabism.

I read a study somewhere that said most Terrorists/suicide bombers come from middle class, well-to-do muslim families. These aren't poverty stricken farmers blowing themselves up, a lot of them are very privileged people, compared to the average. Why do they turn towards extremism and violence? I think there is a social, cultural and political answer that transcends the religion of Islam itself. Islam, like most other religions, has a lot more to do with interpretation and exploitation than the actual religion itself. It is a social construct.


The actual religion(if you can rightly call it a religion) calls for death for non-believers, those non-Muslims who refuse to become dhimmis, and apostates. I don't doubt the exploitation facet, but as for the interpretation aspect, the demand for death is plainly written. We're facing true believers. Not only must the true believers and those who sanction their acts be eliminated, the whole concept must be erased. And, it can't be done tit-for-tat.

One head on a pike is not a cause for revenge. Leveling buildings with loaded airliners is not cause for limited war. Blowing up a handful of concert goers is not cause for a measured response. It is cause for the death of the machine cutting off heads, leveling buildings, and blowing up children. It is way past time to conquer the enemy and annihilate the menace to humanity.



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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
The reason they hate us is because Islam is the most conservative ideology on the planet and they hate our liberal, hollywood, anti-family culture. I am sad for the kids, but otherwise this is radical muslim-on-liberal violence which is what these liberals constantly invite/tolerate. Western liberal, globalist governments unleash this weapon of mass immigration on their people, and their people can't seem to get enough of it (as evidenced by the recent French election result too).

From North Korea to Sharia the main complaint of our enemies is liberals and the irony is it is liberals that enable them to get away with this stuff. Make no mistake, when the Islamist mayor of London said that terror is the new norm and people just need to get used to it, he was dog whistling the leftist nuts in the USA to hurry up and open the door here too. Won't it be nice when you have to worry if your baby will be blown up when they go to the mall because people who live in blue states saturated your Oklahoma community with a violent, hate-filled ideology and then if you object, the Paseo folks will be there to shout you down for not being politically correct.

Ariana Grande would have any of you second amendment supporters in a concentration camp if she could...and the people that worship her and the rest of the pop culture are voting to make that a reality. They are the enablers who voted for this to happen to them AND us. (again, I am sorry for the innocent kids who were killed, believe me if I could stop this I would). If someone dumps a bunch of black widow spiders in your bed, the spiders only share part of the blame when they bite you...if someone dumps a bunch of spiders in their own bed, then they have nobody to blame but themselves...hard to watch western culture be conquered by the white left beta cabal using BLM, radical Islam, etc. as their army. You direct your hate at the spiders and not the people who put them in your bed...there are plenty of spiders but only a few putting them in your bed...end political correctness and call out the treasonous left for protecting radical Islam.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
The consensus seems to be that the only way to stop radical Islam is to cut the head off the snake, and eliminate all forms of Islam from the face of the earth. In other words full on genocide. This is something that the western world just doesn't have the stomach for, so in leu of that, there are only two or three choices remaining. Submit to islam, accept terrorism, or kick the living crap out of them so bad that they will retreat to their crap boxes in the middle east and stay there. The latter part will also require stripping every musilum of their citizenship in every country outside of the middle east and shipping them, every refugee, and immigrant to the land of sand. Absolutely no exceptions.


Jan 24, 2013
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The consensus seems to be that the only way to stop radical Islam is to cut the head off the snake, and eliminate all forms of Islam from the face of the earth. In other words full on genocide. This is something that the western world just doesn't have the stomach for, so in leu of that, there are only two or three choices remaining. Submit to islam, accept terrorism, or kick the living crap out of them so bad that they will retreat to their crap boxes in the middle east and stay there. The latter part will also require stripping every musilum of their citizenship in every country outside of the middle east and shipping them, every refugee, and immigrant to the land of sand. Absolutely no exceptions.

By consensus you mean the Bigots of OSA, right?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
The reason they hate us is because Islam is the most conservative ideology on the planet and they hate our liberal, hollywood, anti-family culture. I am sad for the kids, but otherwise this is radical muslim-on-liberal violence which is what these liberals constantly invite/tolerate. Western liberal, globalist governments unleash this weapon of mass immigration on their people, and their people can't seem to get enough of it (as evidenced by the recent French election result too).

From North Korea to Sharia the main complaint of our enemies is liberals and the irony is it is liberals that enable them to get away with this stuff. Make no mistake, when the Islamist mayor of London said that terror is the new norm and people just need to get used to it, he was dog whistling the leftist nuts in the USA to hurry up and open the door here too. Won't it be nice when you have to worry if your baby will be blown up when they go to the mall because people who live in blue states saturated your Oklahoma community with a violent, hate-filled ideology and then if you object, the Paseo folks will be there to shout you down for not being politically correct.

Ariana Grande would have any of you second amendment supporters in a concentration camp if she could...and the people that worship her and the rest of the pop culture are voting to make that a reality. They are the enablers who voted for this to happen to them AND us. (again, I am sorry for the innocent kids who were killed, believe me if I could stop this I would). If someone dumps a bunch of black widow spiders in your bed, the spiders only share part of the blame when they bite you...if someone dumps a bunch of spiders in their own bed, then they have nobody to blame but themselves...hard to watch western culture be conquered by the white left beta cabal using BLM, radical Islam, etc. as their army. You direct your hate at the spiders and not the people who put them in your bed...there are plenty of spiders but only a few putting them in your bed...end political correctness and call out the treasonous left for protecting radical Islam.

I have to disagree with the premise that we invite this upon ourselves. Islamist attacks have been going on against non-believers, apostates, and those who refuse to be dhimmis since Islam began. In the mind of the Islamists we do ask for this behavior from them because we refuse to submit. What ever our moral misbehavior might be, we would still be under attack. We just might be on the path to "Sodom and Gomorrah: Take II," but it will be at the hand of God in his righteous might - not Muslims/Islamists for their nefarious desires.



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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
By consensus you mean the Bigots of OSA, right?

You, sir, confuse common sense for bigotry. (Excellent use of a tool of the left, by the way!) If Muslim/Islamists treated everyone humanely, there would be no problem. If Muslim/Islamists didn't want to and didn't take action to enslave or annihilate the entire non-believing population of the Earth, things would certainly be different.


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