Obama told how to destroy us

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Sep 22, 2009
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Ok, they may not be in bed together, but I have to believe that the republicans are not going after the dems for the provable treasonous crimes they’ve committed because they’ve got their own skeletons that are just as bad.
I’m sure they all have dirty hands. Personally I doubt there are anywhere near the skeletons you think with the Republicans.

Since I started paying attention to politics in my mid 20s there is nothing good I can think of attributed to the Democrats. I’m close to 50 now. I can pin just about everything wrong with our country and it’s apparent decline to the Democrat party. From our civilizations perversion of morality, to our infrastructure and economy’s destruction to the political atmosphere and rampant crime in it that goes unchecked.

When I hear people say why don’t the Republicans go after the Democrats, how? You need more than a simple majority in the house and senate which they didn’t even have under Trump and they don’t have now. All for BS show to accomplish nothing? Like the Democrats? Lots of BS rhetoric and show for nothing? All theater and acting for the sheep? One would need a super majority which is something like 2/3 of a party which they haven’t had in like forever. Probably like a century or so. That means they would need some of those Democrats to side with them against their own party. That just doesn’t happen.

To be frustrated with the corrupt Democrats and all the BS politics that goes on is understandable. Understanding how it operates and understanding why nothing is getting done, as frustrating as it is is also necessary.

Accept the fact that the Democrats are organized crime and don’t even hide the fact that they are a socialist party now. The money going to Ukraine that makes absolutely no sense, but makes perfect sense when you realize it’s money laundering. The Republicans that signed onto that are just as culpable
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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You have way more faith in these folks then you should. "There is more than meets the eye" I 100% agree with that statement but its not in any kind of positive way. If you think the Republican party is some kind of savior group fighting against the evil side....you are mistaken, they are both evil and play whatever game they need to, to find the sheep to follow.
Playing games they most certainly do. Sums up the word politician to a T. Couple quotes I like apply here. Politicians are like diapers and they should be changed frequently for the same reasons. “Mark Twain”
The other is, The worst form of human is a politician and the worst form of politician is a democrat. “General George Patton”

There are rhinos addicted to their power. Hence the reason we need new and constant fresh blood being put in the Congress when one becomes corrupted by money and power. That is not the majority of the Republican Party.

Like Reagan said, trust but verify. I trust Democrats to deceive and lie. There is nothing good about them I can think of.

I am constantly monitoring news on my Republicans officials to see if they merit my vote or if we need somebody new. No one is perfect nor everyone agree on the same topic. It is our responsibility to keep up on our public servants and make sure they’re doing their job for us or vote them out.
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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 20, 2006
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Playing games they most certainly do. Sums up the word politician to a T. Couple quotes I like apply here. Politicians are like diapers and they should be changed frequently for the same reasons. “Mark Twain”
The other is, The worst form of human is a politician and the worst form of politician is a democrat. “General George Patton”

There are rhinos addicted to their power. Hence the reason we need new and constant fresh blood being put in the Congress when one becomes corrupted by money and power. That is not the majority of the Republican Party.

Like Reagan said, trust but verify. I trust Democrats to deceive and lie. There is nothing good about them I can think of.

I am constantly monitoring news on my Republicans officials to see if they merit my vote or if we need somebody new. No one is perfect nor everyone agree on the same topic. It is our responsibility to keep up on our public servants and make sure they’re doing their job for us or vote them out.
I think most of us were right there with you not too long ago. When you say "my Republicans" it puts you in their "group" and they are almost as crooked as the other side. I for one refuse to participate in the lesser of 2 evils game that they play, I register Independent which limits me in primary voting but being honest, does voting really matter anymore? Hard to out vote 20 million dead people at 3am.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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I think most of us were right there with you not too long ago. When you say "my Republicans" it puts you in their "group" and they are almost as crooked as the other side. I for one refuse to participate in the lesser of 2 evils game that they play, I register Independent which limits me in primary voting but being honest, does voting really matter anymore? Hard to out vote 20 million dead people at 3am.
Old Democrat play. Hope I don’t come back from the dead and vote Democrat. People are watching this time around.

May be hard for them to stuff the ballot boxes when there won’t be random ones on the street corners this time around.

People are watching. People noticed the unconstitutional changes that were done last time. Let’s see if the Democrats get to play that BS again. Let see the shenanigans and gerrymandering the democrats attempt.

It comes down to perspective. Are you the glass is half empty or half full type? There never will be a politician that we fully agree with or that fully represents us.

My perspective is I have to find the one that represents me the closest. Mitt Romney when running for president was definitely a turd. John McCain was definitely a turd. The only thing I liked about him was Sarah Palin. And most people got their information about her from Saturday night live. She had the highest ratings of any politician in the entire United States serving at that time which says something.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Don't kid yourself, Dem or Republican....98% of them are in bed together. Just a quick google search of Congress net worth will show you just how crooked they really are.
it's weird how everyone "knew" this during occupy.

ya know, before everyone decided that their politics revolved around whites hating blacks or whites hating trannies or whites hating gays or whites hating poor people or whites hating hispanics or whites hating literally everyone.

ya know, when we used to have real politics. it's a multi, multi fold attack. first; they convinced all the STRAIGHT UP RETARDS they HAD TO attend college.

this was nothing more than indoctrination. if you tell a retard they must go to college or they will be retarded; this makes them afraid. they KNOW they are retarded, and they REALLY don't want to be. so they think if they listen to an anti-white jewish professor tell them white people are evil; suddenly THEY ARE NO LONGER RETARDED.

now in fact, if you don't fall lock step into their brownshirt belief system, YOU ARE THE RETARD.

so there's an army of indoctrinated retards willing to vote, cheat, burn, loot, and when you mention it's wrong THEY ARE THERE TO CANCEL YOU.

you are evil because you don't think white people are evil.
you are evil because you think killing babies is wrong.
you are evil because you think a man putting on a dress doesn't magically TRANSFROM him into a woman.
you are evil because you think chopping off a boy's penis is wrong.
you are evil because you think an mrna gene therapy that was never tested on humans isn't an actual vaccine and it doesn't work.
you are evil because you think black people aren't victims.
you are evil because you think white people are being replaced.
you are evil because you think america should worry about america first.

it's literally an army of retards; i'm not even joking. some of these kids couldn't EVEN READ when they left high school, but by god they somehow went to college......almost like.....


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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That is to simplistic. Just because they have to work together does not mean the majority are in bed together. The old left wing right wing same bird joke. Except the left is a cancer. The majority of the right is trying to keep the bird alive. There is more than meets the eye

Yep, you get it. Tired of those arguments, it's complete BS.

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