The worst war is one you do not know is happening...
Regardless of where you are wages are failing to keep up with inflation, prices are going up, everything breaks more, less people show up for work and those that do do a half added job. Honestly when I have to deal with Oklahoma's government it is as bad or worse than the west coast.I’d agree if you said any long time Blue run city or state. Everything hasn’t gone to *****. Just what the democrats touch.
We, the civilized world created this monster, buying counterfeit junk, made with slave labor! Communist China, was using Ox carts, and couldn't even defend themselves from Japan, in my life time! NOW they are the undisputed number two economic, and military power on earth, with plans to be NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!! They are not going to invade the US, they are smarter than that, they already CONTROL OUR ELECTIONS, have their PUPPETS, in all of our news media, Hollywood, schools, collages, congress, and the White House! They likely will just wait until we ASK THEM TO TAKE OVER OUR COUNTRY! Our kids are taught that everything about America is EVIL, and SHAMEFUL, and that we should all become homosexuals, transgender, and allow someone worthy to assume power, and straighten out this evil place! I don't know if we are that stupid or not, but it wouldn't surprise me!! Wear you TRUMP ball cap in public, if you DARE? OVERWHELM THE NEXT RIGGED ELECTION, AND DEMAND VIDEO CAMERAS IN ALL POLLING PLACES, AND VOTE COUNT FACILITIES!!!!So, there's lots of rumors and talk about China this and that. Illegal biolabs, buying up land, importing fentanyl, etc etc. Its not good, but that not the point of this post. I wanna talk about a major war with a major power, from a preparation viewpoint. Likely, it would be China, and I would not be surprised if there was an invasion of the US, which wouldn't be the main goal, but as a destabilization/demoralization tactic to allow them free reign to do as they wish elsewhere in the world. That would easily accomplished with 10-40,000 mediocre soldiers waging unconventional warfare. I could go into detail and my thoughts, but at the moment, I'll just share some articles that make for some good further reading.
The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China
(Because America might lose.)
Opinion | A War With China Would Be Unlike Anything Americans Faced Before
A Chinese invasion of Taiwan may include a multipronged war strategy that causes havoc in American
But, invasion of the US or not, even the oldest guys here won't have memories of WW2 (I think?). What do you think it would look like from a home/preparation standpoint? Ration cards and fuel stamps again? What do you envision, and how do you plan to prepare for something like this?
Russia and China would invade Alaska across the Bering Straight while their people already here will be taking out power stations and lines, food distribution points, oil storage facilities.I don't think China has the logistical capability to invade the US in a conventional military way. I know Russia doesn't.
That's not to say one or both of them aren't placing people inside the US...they may be. Even if China did possess the ability to move a few hundred thousand soldiers across the pacific they'd be destroyed long before they got here.
There are far more effective means for the Chinese to fight us. Drawing us into a war over Taiwan would be one. In space would be another. Or maybe a cyber war. These could all have a devastating impact on the country. They'd also face the issue of retaliation and that's a big problem for them. We still have a very capable military.
Another big problem for China in a war with the US would be $$. Their largest customer for all their products would disappear and so would others. We'd also likely cancel their debt, too.
A conventional invasion ain't gonna happen. Not for another 20 or 30 years, anyway. Plus, we're actually being quite successful at destroying the country from within. If China was smart they'd just sit back and watch and contribute to that where they can. At any rate, I'm hopeful we'll have our s**t together before too long and get the country back on the right track. Then again, I'll be long gone by that time, so....
I don't think so either. the isolation of owning a continent with Canada and Mexico has always been our greatest strength, and superpower or not, I believe it would prevent any sort of large scale land invasion, simply due to sheer expense and logistical difficulty faced by any invading force. Even if we had 1/10th of the military capabilities that we currently do, our geographical advantage would still keep us safe from anything conventional, short of strategic weapons.I don't think China has the logistical capability to invade the US in a conventional military way. I know Russia doesn't.
That's not to say one or both of them aren't placing people inside the US...they may be. Even if China did possess the ability to move a few hundred thousand soldiers across the pacific they'd be destroyed long before they got here.
There are far more effective means for the Chinese to fight us. Drawing us into a war over Taiwan would be one. In space would be another. Or maybe a cyber war. These could all have a devastating impact on the country. They'd also face the issue of retaliation and that's a big problem for them. We still have a very capable military.
Another big problem for China in a war with the US would be $$. Their largest customer for all their products would disappear and so would others. We'd also likely cancel their debt, too.
A conventional invasion ain't gonna happen. Not for another 20 or 30 years, anyway. Plus, we're actually being quite successful at destroying the country from within. If China was smart they'd just sit back and watch and contribute to that where they can. At any rate, I'm hopeful we'll have our s**t together before too long and get the country back on the right track. Then again, I'll be long gone by that time, so....
True, but China has established bases in Cambodia, Djibouti, The Paracel Islands, and the Spratly islands with plans to put bases in Sri Lanka, Equatorial Guinea, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Tanzania, Singapore and lots of other places.I read not long ago that the US was re-establishing a naval presence at Subic Bay.