I think MJ definitely has medicinal value for some people. I think it would be hard to dispute that a lot of people get benefit from it during cancer treatments, especially. And I'm sure that some get other relief from it.
That said I also think the huge majority of 'medical' users are using it recreationally whether they admit it or not. I don't particularly care. It doesn't float my boat, but if it floats yours so be it.
The issues swirling around pot use and production are far worse because of the govs involvement in it imo.
Is this a talking point for anyone at the fed level these days? I haven't heard anything recently, but I try to not pay too much attention.
That said I also think the huge majority of 'medical' users are using it recreationally whether they admit it or not. I don't particularly care. It doesn't float my boat, but if it floats yours so be it.
The issues swirling around pot use and production are far worse because of the govs involvement in it imo.
Is this a talking point for anyone at the fed level these days? I haven't heard anything recently, but I try to not pay too much attention.