20% Pay-Cut (furlough). How about some money saving ideas...

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Nov 10, 2010
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taking advantage of doubling at Homeland]

Does homeland have stores in the Tulsa/ owasso area anymore? I thought those stores closed a few years ago. My wife tried the coupon thing last year, but none of the Tulsa area stores double past .50. Nothing like the tv series showed.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 6, 2013
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Go to your local Food Bank if it would truly help you out. We have two in Guthrie, and both are helping more families than ever. Also, dont forget about bartering!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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Ok - There's a few good one-liners, zingers, and a few political grips (which I agree with also).
But please - let's keep this thread on-topic. (...HA! right?)

"Money saving ideas."
This will effect quite a few people and I'm trying to present some ideas to ease the financial pain. (And get a few new ideas also)
Heck, even if your NOT getting the 20% government cut - maybe some average folks are interest in some saving ideas.
Thanks for everyone contributing good ideas.

Ok - here's another:
If your car-rich and you have insurance on more cars than you ABSOLUTELY need/drive. (Say a family of 2, with 3 cars.)
Consider shutting down the extra car, and cancel the insurance during the tight-times. (Don't *DRIVE* without insurance!)
For example: Your project hot-rod that you drive only on nice-weekends. Or that old work-truck that you only drive for getting supplies.
(But understand that it's uninsured if a tornado/hail/tree kills it while stored in the backyard. Oh ya, be sure to put it on blocks too! :) haha )

Please - let's keep this thread on-topic.
Keep the ideas coming!


Special Hen
Dec 26, 2008
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Does homeland have stores in the Tulsa/ owasso area anymore? I thought those stores closed a few years ago. My wife tried the coupon thing last year, but none of the Tulsa area stores double past .50. Nothing like the tv series showed.

Tulsa store closed late last year. Wife and her mom carpool to Bartlesville every other week. I believe they chose Bartlesville over Pryor because there are 2 in Bville and the store mgr is actually supportive. Bville stores will only double one like coupon per day. Some of the OKC stores are allowing two or three like coupons per day, so my daughter does this since she is at SNU in Bethany. The Tulsa store cashiers were put off by it and almost made it not worthwhile. My wife contends that even with the round trip between Owasso and Bartlesville they come out ahead, value of time included.

She also maintains a list of bottom-dollar sale prices and will stock up when she comes across them. If I remember correctly, I think she said this week (it's cyclical) is the best price for chicken at Reasor's, so she will stock-up and our grocery budget will be weighted towards protein this week.

We started buying the Sunday OKC newspaper too. OKC is considered within the Dallas market, so the coupon offers are much better than Tulsa. This is no secret so for those of you in the Tulsa area wanting to do this will need to get out early.


As I implied, she approaches this like a part time job and we believe the financial impact is close to that of a full time job without the tax liabilities. Or any of the other liabilities of having both parents work outside the home. YMMV


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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Eat at home. No, seriously. pack a lunch or go home and cook a meal. It saves a ton of money over eating out.

Sell what you don't need. Not just guns, but all kinds of stuff. Shoes, electronics, tools, random unused kitchen appliances (like coffee makers or food processors). Many just take up space and you can hawk 'em on ebay or craigslist for some extra cash. You'll also enjoy the lack of clutter.

Walk to the store. I live close enough to a grocery store I often load the kids in a wagon and hoof it. We get our groceries and walk home with them. We 1) use less gas this way, and 2) are buying a lot less since we have to determine what to carry home in our wagon. You'll put up that needless box of fruit snacks if you have to start culling your groceries.

Stop drinking. Besides saving the money, it's bad for you. And you'll likely lose some weight and inches.

Quit the soda habit. Same as above. It's super expensive for what it is, and even diet soda is probably not great on our liver and kidneys. Drink water or tea.

Cancel the yard service. If you don't have a mower, buy a used one and start mowing your own yard. You can probably get a mower for what 3-5 weeks of yard service costs. All you need to get through the summer then is a rake and a weed trimmer. Or if you're a real masochist, just get a blade or hoe and edge your yard that way :D

Cut your water use. If you turn the sprinklers off, and think about wearing your shirts and slacks/jeans 2-3 times between washes, you will be surprised how much you save in water. Just those things saved me 30-40 bucks a month in water/sewage fees. But manual laborers and children, you can ignore the not washing advice ;)

Cancel the gym membership (if no contract). There are plenty of ways to be active for free. Mostly it involves being outside :D . Outside of cardio, you can even resistance exercises and yoga to help tone and build muscle mass.

Bake your own breads.

I had a garden before, but I just started the bread baking and green onion tricks. I am sold on both. I will say if you are buying bread, check out both store bakeries (Reasor's sells their french bread for like 99 cents a loaf) and the "day old" stores.
Make your own household cleaners and laundry soap.

I just read about doing this. I heard you can get castile soap and make everything from shampoo to dish soap to toothpaste from it. Anyone tried this? It's also kind of eco-friendly hippie as well, which I am down with.


Special Hen
Feb 16, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Quit the soda habit. Same as above. It's super expensive for what it is, and even diet soda is probably not great on our liver and kidneys. Drink water or tea.

I just started this. I used to drink 3-4 diet cokes a day, then I got curious and looked up what the phenylalanine warning was about (it can cause the same symptoms as a generalized axiety disorder, which I've been experiencing for a while). it's been about 2 weeks and I feel great! I've probably saved about $50 too, lol.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I'll save some scratch just from not communting one day and using the free time to do some things that I might normally pay someone else to do.

Otherwise, I'll just have to stay positive and be productive on that extra day off.


Special Hen
Dec 26, 2008
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Eat at home. No, seriously. pack a lunch or go home and cook a meal. It saves a ton of money over eating


I just read about doing this. I heard you can get castile soap and make everything from shampoo to dish soap to toothpaste from it. Anyone tried this? It's also kind of eco-friendly hippie as well, which I am down with.

+1000 on these two. My wife cried when she got in on managing the budget and saw how much we spent on dining out. This is probably the easiest and most impactful change you can do. I suspect it would be even greater if your dining includes cocktails or wines.

Google "Dawn and white vinegar" for the best shower cleaner ever. I (yes, me) use to go through half a can of Scubbing Bubbles every time I cleaned the shower. We no longer purchase Scubbing Bubbles and my job is almost too easy now.


Special Hen
Dec 26, 2008
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Here's a tip to help insure success- get everyone involved. Even my kids recognize the impact the 3 of them can have by not ordering sodas at $2.50 a whack. They also split entrees when we informed them of the calorie counts.

They also enjoy the challenge of bargain shopping and have figured out its easier to get mom to say yes to a treat that is on special or generic.

Teach them young about the value of money and correlate expenses to items they care about. It is so much easier to hold to a budget when everyone sees the same goal.

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