$200 Tax on Your AR-15? Contact Congress Immediately! We Stand As One! From:

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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It is not just a $200 tax. There is a background check, you will have to get permission to move the firearm across state lines and you will have to open your home to inspection by federal law enforcement.

Sorry if I am beating a dead horse, but everyone needs to be totally aware of what the Feinstein legislation is all about. The more we can educate other gun owners, the more letters of outrage that will be sent to our representatives and the greater the likelihood we can defeat this monster.

More on what is known about the proposed legislation:
• Expands the definition of “assault weapon” by including:

• Three very popular rifles: The M1 Carbine (introduced in 1944 and for many years sold by the federal government to individuals involved in marksmanship competition), a model of the Ruger Mini-14, and most or all models of the SKS.

• Any “semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds,” except for tubular-magazine .22s.

• Any “semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches,” any “semiautomatic handgun with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds,” and any semi-automatic handgun that has a threaded barrel.

• Requires owners of existing “assault weapons” to register them with the federal government under the National Firearms Act (NFA). The NFA imposes a $200 tax per firearm, and requires an owner to submit photographs and fingerprints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), to inform the BATFE of the address where the firearm will be kept, and to obtain the BATFE’s permission to transport the firearm across state lines.

• Prohibits the transfer of “assault weapons.” Owners of other firearms, including those covered by the NFA, are permitted to sell them or pass them to heirs. However, under Feinstein’s new bill, “assault weapons” would remain with their current owners until their deaths, at which point they would be forfeited to the government.

• Prohibits the domestic manufacture and the importation of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The 1994 ban allowed the importation of such magazines that were manufactured before the ban took effect. Whereas the 1994 ban protected gun owners from errant prosecution by making the government prove when a magazine was made, the new ban includes no such protection. The new ban also requires firearm dealers to certify the date of manufacture of any >10-round magazine sold, a virtually impossible task, given that virtually no magazines are stamped with their date of manufacture.

• Targets handguns in defiance of the Supreme Court. The Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment protects the right to have handguns for self-defense, in large part on the basis of the fact handguns are the type of firearm “overwhelmingly chosen by American society for that lawful purpose.” Semi-automatic pistols, which are the most popular handguns today, are designed to use detachable magazines, and the magazines “overwhelmingly chosen” by Americans for self-defense are those that hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, Feinstein’s list of nearly 1,000 firearms exempted by name (see next paragraph) contains not a single handgun. Sen. Feinstein advocated banning handguns before being elected to the Senate, though she carried a handgun for her own personal protection.

We will not know the full and complete story until the legislation is introduced - she has promised to do so on the first day they are in session.


Special Hen
May 16, 2010
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We will not know the full and complete story until the legislation is introduced - she has promised to do so on the first day they are in session.

I have several NFA items so I understand the process. I just can't believe that retroactively doing so is legal. The Mad Professor stated the last time it happened there was an amnesty period. I will fight any gun control legislation that punishes law abiding citizens. However I still believe that this country needs minimum mandatory sentences for individuals who either posses or utilize a firearm during the commission of a crime. Everyone can get behind that legislation. Don't punish the many, for the acts of the few. The problem lies in the primary intent to disarm the general public, not to punish criminals.


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
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Negitive on that.

1shott is correct. Having an NFA item does NOT "open your home to inspection by federal law enforcement". They can contact you and request to see the NFA item and paperwork. You can say you will bring them to the local ATF office to comply. They only do this if they suspect you no longer have the NFA item or suspect it was used in a crime. I have owned NFA weapons for over 20 years and know a lot of others who do as well. In all of that time i do not know of one single time that happened to anyone. I am against these proposed bans as much as anyone, but lets stick to facts and not made up "sky is falling" fear tactics.


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Let's be real here for a second. Just because Alex Jones got something right, doesn't change the fact that his stories are full of weak links, rumor, and scaremongering often based on some crap someone pulled out of their rectum and can't back up with credible evidence. Just because my broken watch is right twice a day, doesn't mean I'm going to rely on it to tell me what time it is. Sorry, Alex Jones is NOT a legitimate credible source.
I am not saying that I believe everything that Alex Jones says but on this one point it was dead on. The point that I am trying to make is that there are a lot of people and some on this very forum that don't believe anything like that is ever going to happen. It is a fact that it can and WILL happen if we sit on our rears and do nothing. And if you or any others actually believe that Feinstein or any other gun grabber in Washington just want a few guns restricted you are wrong. This isn't just Alex Jones saying this it is a great many of people. Just look on youtube and you will see what I am talking about. Check out sturmgewehre on youtube and watch his video about the proposed ban. This guy isn't a conspiracy theorist. Like he says, this will only be one step in COMPLETE disarmament. They will do it in increments. I am not posting things to try and argue with you or anybody else on here or anywhere else. I am trying to get people to open their eyes to see how important this really is. It goes way beyond just a ban and some restrictions.


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
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In history, items that were changed to title 2 classification were entered into the NFA registry without the tax being charged. You still had to do the paperwork within the amnesty period.

The ones I can think of are the SteetSweeper shotgun (now a destructive device) and the NAA mini wallet with the finger hole (now AOW)

You are correct. They also had an amnesty in the late 60's with the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968 to allow all of the bringback MG's folks had in their attic to be registered. It was tax free as well.

Again, I believe we need to fight these proposed bans with all our efforts, but let's have our facts straight.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
This video pisses me off so bad. I wish that I could meet that witch face to face. I would punch her right in her ugly face. But hey, I am over reacting according to some on here. She don't really want to take all of our weapons. Are you guys blind or what?? That video was real. She wants everything gone. And I know that she isn't the only one. Those anti's are working tirelessly to find a way to strip our 2A right away, completely.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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1shott is correct. Having an NFA item does NOT "open your home to inspection by federal law enforcement". They can contact you and request to see the NFA item and paperwork. You can say you will bring them to the local ATF office to comply. They only do this if they suspect you no longer have the NFA item or suspect it was used in a crime. I have owned NFA weapons for over 20 years and know a lot of others who do as well. In all of that time i do not know of one single time that happened to anyone. I am against these proposed bans as much as anyone, but lets stick to facts and not made up "sky is falling" fear tactics.

I stand corrected. Thank you. I think I allowed a Mother Jones article on how guns could be confiscated to seep into my subconscious.

But the past is not a predictor of future so all is subject to change. Under the leadership of Senators Finestein and Shumer, who knows? Is it far fetched, "Sky is falling" stuff? I'm afraid not.

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