Yep, if day-to-day medical was cash and carry all we'd need was a catastrophic plan for cancer and such. Most medical insurance I've found is basically a cat plan, but the premium is not commensurate with the coverage.I was bitten by a brown recliuse spider on the foot, went to the ER, this was on a weekend, after several hours this pup doctor looked at it and said, that is a brown recluse spider bite! He then a call all the other pup doctors down to look at it, I guess none of them had seen one before? Then he said there is no anti-vemin for this, so keep it clean, and if the spot starts rotting out, go to a wound specialist. I had to pay $100.00 co-pay, the bill was $1,700.00, my insurance negotiated it down to $240.00, 12% or 14%, of the bill, and payed it! My long winded point is, If individuates could negotaiate the medical bills down to 12%/14%, WE WOULDN'T NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE!