Looks like it ought to have a garden hose attached at the bottom, lol.
Well, I caved. I've been wanting one of these things for 3 days now! I called my FFL, he said his distributor doesn't have any in stock, so I had him put me on the list for when they are available again. Another 22 that I don't need. Oh well, it'll be fun to shoot. I'm hopeful he'll get one in the next few weeks.
Thanks. I'm told it should be arriving any day now.I do think you will be pleasantly surprised by the 22-PLY,,,
The grip is very ergonomic and is a natural pointer.
Helps me let my inner James Bond out.
I got a 5 pack of those in the early 90's for like $200. Sold 1 to a guy I fishes with, he put a round nose through his shoes, and yes the 1 he was wearing. His wife gifted it back to me and he bought it for $1 after he convinced the wife and came to the range to learn handling for a few months.
That was when I found out about the stolen valor concept.
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