5 years ago today, Greta Thunberg said the earth was doomed in 5 years if we didn't immediately stop using fossil fuels.

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Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Well I don't care what the rest of you say - whether good or bad, right or wrong, at least she made the attempt to try and do what she thought was 'right' rather than sit around playing video games, looting stores, shooting rivals, or assaulting the elderly or handicapped . . . things that so many other kids do these days just for fun.
BOLOGNA! She is the video game! This poor kid is being used, and manipulated, by the left wing nuts! When she out grows her usefulness, she will be tossed aside like a child movie star, that grew up. This has much more to do with CONTROL BY THE LEFTWINGNUTS, than SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT! SCARE TACTICS HAVE ALWAYS WORKED TO CONTYROL THE UNWASHED MASSES! Scare
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Well I don't care what the rest of you say - whether good or bad, right or wrong, at least she made the attempt to try and do what she thought was 'right' rather than sit around playing video games, looting stores, shooting rivals, or assaulting the elderly or handicapped . . . things that so many other kids do these days just for fun.
That's such a low bar, it's not even worthy of consideration.

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