Adventures in safe moving....

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
That is, in moving a large safe. Not moving safely. Although, that fits, too.

So I recently picked up a 2nd safe. It's not as big as my first one, it's a Fortress 36-gun safe. I got it from a friend of a friend for a song, essentially. Stupid good deal, but some downsides. There is no electronic lock on it (somehow it was damaged or lost) so I have to use the key to open it. From my research it appears I will be stuck with this, as they will not sell me a replacement lock without a proof of purchase. :( Obviously, I can't get this. Sucks.

Anyways, we got it in the house the other night but it was getting late and we hadn't cleared room for it in the bedroom, so we left it in the foyer entryway which is tile, Once we got it over the lip of the entry door, we put some of those furniture sliders under it and it moved fairly well, so we got it reasonably out of the way.

So when I come home from work yesterday morning, The Wife has cleared the spot in our bedroom we had planned to put it and asks if I think we can move it into the bedroom, as The Boy is having 3 friends over for the night and she would like them not to have to move around it. So, we set about trying between the two of us to get it moved. When I brought it home, it was me and my next-door neighbor, who is a big strong guy, a fireman.

My wife is 5'5", 113 lbs. She's a strong woman, but this safe is... well, about 4x her weight. lol. At least.

I don't think that link above is actually the right one. Now that I am looking around some more, mine is rated 60 minutes at 1200F, most of those I am seeing in that model list 40 minutes. Weight looks to vary between 422 and 560.

Anyways, we get it onto the carpet in the hallway and the sliders stop working. The weight just buries them in the carpet too much. So we get out the sofa dolly and rock it back and forth to try to get it up under it, which works ok, except we still have the 4" metal "runners" on it which is complicating things.

So, of course when I came home, I was wearing my composite-toe work boots. Which I immediately took off to let my feet breathe after 16 hours of wear. And was just wearing socks. Since I couldn't get any traction in the socks, I took them off.

Yeah... I think some of you may see where this is going...

It served as a lesson to my son, hopefully, since he got to see me nearly amputate my pinky toe. It was basically just hanging on by about 1/3 of the flesh on the underside of the toe.

I immediately prescribed myself about 10 oz of this:


I then called the neighbor who came over and we finished moving the safe into position properly and I prepared to head to the ER. Wrapped up the toe in some gauze and Coban, put on my boot and a sandal, filled my metal flask with painkiller and headed out. En route, the neighbor calls and says, hey, just go to the Urgent Care there next to the hosp, his wife works there and she knows the doc on today who is pretty good. They have x-ray equipment and such, and even though she's not working today, she called them and let them know I'd be coming. Since my Urgent Care copay is $25 and my ER copay is $200, I think, "What the hell, it's worth a shot." I don't know if they will send me over to the ER, but we'll see.

So the nurse takes a look, winces and goes to get the doc. Doc says she's not sure if she can fix that or not. I agree it looks pretty bad, but not really worried. If it needs to come off, it needs to come off. At this point, The Wife has removed my half-empty flask from my possession (:nono2:) and we get x-rays.

Sure enough, it's broken. DUH. I could see that for myself. lol

So the rest of the visit is a bit of a blur... doc numbs my toe up - like I needed it at that point. Irrigates the hell out of it, then she sews it up, does a pretty good job considering it was hamburger. I think it's gonna be a keeper. We'll see over the next week or two, though. I do remember her asking me when my wife stepped out for a minute, "So let's talk about this drinking problem." lol What drinking problem? lol

So... bottom line. Unless you're specifically going out to teach your son a lesson in proper attire for moving heavy objects (heavy boots or AT LEAST shoes), and are willing to sacrifice a minor appendage to ram that lesson home - don't do what I did.

And it was only last night, after I'd woken up from my whiskey-induced coma, that I said to my wife, "Damn, why didn't we get any pictures??"

Yeah. IKR?

Yay me.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I am soooo disappointed with myself for not getting pictures! I may take some when I change the dressing here in a bit. It won't show how badly it was almost taken off, but it still probably give you an idea, I'd imagine.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Boone, NE
My dad just moved and I offered to help him move his safe....He gave me the "you're a dumbass" look and hired some pros to do it.
Since then you're the second catastrophe I have read about (you got off easy compared to the other one) so I continue to appreciate his decision.
Sucks it went that way...things can go south quick. Hopefully your toe makes it, be glad it was your toe and not your would NEVER hear the end of that one.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
My dad just moved and I offered to help him move his safe....He gave me the "you're a dumbass" look and hired some pros to do it.
Since then you're the second catastrophe I have read about (you got off easy compared to the other one) so I continue to appreciate his decision.
Sucks it went that way...things can go south quick. Hopefully your toe makes it, be glad it was your toe and not your would NEVER hear the end of that one.

Yeah well, she felt like hell, since moving it yesterday morning was her idea. Although when we got stuck in the hallway, she said we should just put it back and wait, but I insisted we could do it. We are already halfway. Good ideas, just poor execution. Meh.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, that's what I kept telling my wife. All this toe stuff doesn't matter, I saved an arm and a leg on that safe! What's a little toe???

I took some pics after I got out of the shower, but my toes are grubby and nasty looking, since all I did was let the water run over it - wasn't about to go scrubbing on anything yet and wake the dragon. So I decided not to post them - we don't have the "spoiler" feature I guess for this forum to hide the pics and I don't want folks to be grossed out if they don't want to see that s**t.

Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt all that much.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, let's try this:



And yes... I know my toes are dirty. They've been through alot the last day or so.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Not sure yet. It will probably come back, but I am thinking it's going to be jacked up. I'll probably have it removed and ablate the nail bed if it's too bad.

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