America's #1 wanted fugitive: an 18 year old bandit

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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That so many find his devil may care escapades appealing illustrates the divide in this country between the have's and have nots. So long as he steals from the rich, people could care less.

This kid is going to wind up in a body bag if he's not careful, and that isn't very appealing at all.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2009
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No doubt that what he's doing is wrong. His chutzpah and "successes" are impressive, but he's focused what must be considerable talents on the wrong goals. If he's a sociopath, well there's nothing we can do besides try to minimize (one way or another) the damage he does to society. If he's misguided, then he can be punished and refocused. Here's hoping the authorities are smart enough to know what to do.

Stealing from a 'big, faceless corporation' is stealing from me. My insurance, bank fees, credit card fees, consumer goods pricing, etc. all goes up by a -little- bit to cover for shrink. So it does for you, too.

When somebody busted out my car window with aims to stealing the radio, they made off only with the faceplate. However, I had to replace the glass, buy a new radio and replace broken dashboard pieces - that thief's outlook on life cost me hundreds of dollars and hours of time.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I believe he is just one of the FEW professional criminals, he sounds to me like a BADASS straight out of a diehard-esque movie, stole SMALL AIRCRAFT without ANY lessons whatsoever....that is ballsy I dont care what you say, you might be able to shoot him, but he can fly away! :mosh:

+1 I am tired of people sitting up on their high horse, how about our career politicians people give them a hand, they have successfully DESTROYED a once prosperous and FREE nation, we are now going to be under the SOCIALIST control of liberal spread the wealthers, this kid is just going after it himself, anyone who gets miffed about it, is honestly just a jealous ninny, jealous he gets to life the f*ckin life and we are stuck paying for everyone else's

Wake up, robin hood is your GOVERNMENT, this kid is taking from rich, and giving to NO ONE, he is NOT robin hood, he is NOT spreading the wealth, your .GOV is worse than this kid, how about Bernie Madoff, or the other Hedge and investor Fund related scams totaling the BILLIONS if not more. GET OFF THE HIGH HORSE, simply put he is hurting NO ONE, thats what insurance is for, he can rob me all he wants, I will get a BIG FAT CHECK in the mail, won't you if the same happened?

The entire world is messed, people on their soapbox screaming listen to this truth, if that was your kid you probably would change that "shoot him" tune real quick, there is something called discretion, and this kid is just trying to live the only way HE KNOWS HOW, survival of the fittest eh?

Personally I prefer his method to self preservation compared to say the illegal alien problem, or the lazy good for nothing leechers who get food stamps, and free housing, and electric bills paid for, by guessed it me and you, who has this kid hurt? Visa? Mastercard? from what info I have gathered they were mostly credit card charges, F*CK THOSE COMPANIES, they worry about their bottom dollar while you bleed out and starve, like to see the exalted of you stand there and defend those companies if you were in his situation.

I haven't heard anybody fly off the handle like this since I said Dale Earnhardt drove too aggressively while standing in line at a Wal-Mart in Arkansas.

We sooo need a classics or hall of fame section for OSA posts.

guns are dumb

Special Hen
Dec 21, 2008
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Wake up, robin hood is your GOVERNMENT, this kid is taking from rich, and giving to NO ONE, he is NOT robin hood, he is NOT spreading the wealth, your .GOV is worse than this kid, how about Bernie Madoff, or the other Hedge and investor Fund related scams totaling the BILLIONS if not more. GET OFF THE HIGH HORSE, simply put he is hurting NO ONE, thats what insurance is for, he can rob me all he wants, I will get a BIG FAT CHECK in the mail, won't you if the same happened?

The entire world is messed, people on their soapbox screaming listen to this truth, if that was your kid you probably would change that "shoot him" tune real quick, there is something called discretion, and this kid is just trying to live the only way HE KNOWS HOW, survival of the fittest eh?

Personally I prefer his method to self preservation compared to say the illegal alien problem, or the lazy good for nothing leechers who get food stamps, and free housing, and electric bills paid for, by guessed it me and you, who has this kid hurt? Visa? Mastercard? from what info I have gathered they were mostly credit card charges, F*CK THOSE COMPANIES, they worry about their bottom dollar while you bleed out and starve, like to see the exalted of you stand there and defend those companies if you were in his situation.

I wasn't the one calling him Robin Hood, I simply stated that people like you that are exulting praise on this kid are probably the same people that don't see how morally wrong the story of Robin Hood is.

You need to rethink your position. When goods are stolen, it causes the price to go up, whether it's the insurance on said goods, as would be the case in theft of private property, or on the goods themselves, such as when theft occurs at retail stores and those are always passed on to the consumer.

Secondly, your attack on credit card companies lacks merit. No one forces any person in this country to use credit cards, you're saying that they are "bleeding us dry" really means nothing. If you don't want to pay the interest on a credit card, then don't use them. Do you think those companies should just loan you money for just being you, just because you are a good person and not receive anything in exchange?

Who has this kid hurt? He hurts everyone of us that hold ourselves to morally higher standards than slumping so low as to think we have a "right" to another persons property. You praise this kid for his evils and you lash the rest of us for our virtues.

Am I on a high horse? You bet your ass I am. I would never stoop so low as to claim something as mine that I didn't earn. Yet, you have bought into their (the looters) said yourself he can come "rob" you anytime he wants, clearly not seeing how irresponsible that statement is.


Special Hen
Oct 2, 2008
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One of the problems with this kid will be the string of copycats. So kid probably even younger is going to try the same crap and get shot. This guy has a facebook fan page with almost 12000 members. I gurantee one of those members is dum enough to imitate this guy.


Oct 27, 2009
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Oklahoma city
at the end of the day wrong is wrong. there is no justifying it. if it was your **** you would be pissed. but sense it is someone elses it does not matter.
there are more millionares in this country that have earned there riches than inherieted.
yeah i wish i could do this stuff and be care free. but i know sooner or later it will catch up to you. and while you may get away with it for a few years. he will end up serveing 20-30.. ( or should) now if he did come across that unfateful armed home owner.and get shot. media would glorify him as a misunderstood kid. who is nothing more than a common thug.. thugs come in all ages.

Roadking Larry

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 17, 2007
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Secret bunker in an undisclosed location.
Sociopath is the right word. Resourceful, very smart and physically capable with (apparently) no empathy. That's an extremely dangerous person - he'll either be a career criminal who's never really caught or a wildly successful CEO...maybe both...

He's no pissant punk, he's far more dangerous than that.

Sounds like he is highly qualified for Obama's cabinet.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
I wasn't the one calling him Robin Hood, I simply stated that people like you that are exulting praise on this kid are probably the same people that don't see how morally wrong the story of Robin Hood is.

You need to rethink your position. When goods are stolen, it causes the price to go up, whether it's the insurance on said goods, as would be the case in theft of private property, or on the goods themselves, such as when theft occurs at retail stores and those are always passed on to the consumer.

Secondly, your attack on credit card companies lacks merit. No one forces any person in this country to use credit cards, you're saying that they are "bleeding us dry" really means nothing. If you don't want to pay the interest on a credit card, then don't use them. Do you think those companies should just loan you money for just being you, just because you are a good person and not receive anything in exchange?

Who has this kid hurt? He hurts everyone of us that hold ourselves to morally higher standards than slumping so low as to think we have a "right" to another persons property. You praise this kid for his evils and you lash the rest of us for our virtues.

Am I on a high horse? You bet your ass I am. I would never stoop so low as to claim something as mine that I didn't earn. Yet, you have bought into their (the looters) said yourself he can come "rob" you anytime he wants, clearly not seeing how irresponsible that statement is.

I dont care if the price of goods goes up or not, they are all produced in China anyways, so who benefits and who doesn't, get real in your argument, im not saying he has a right to steal anything, but its his freedom to try ain't it, those oil companies that supply us with everything we need to live were founded on cutt-throat kill or be killed business practices, why should it be any different, because those that had great grandparents before us do that dirty work and now they are protected and holier than thou? no one should steal from the exalted while they punch you in the mouth and steal your wallet! that would be blasphemy!


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
One of the problems with this kid will be the string of copycats. So kid probably even younger is going to try the same crap and get shot. This guy has a facebook fan page with almost 12000 members. I gurantee one of those members is dum enough to imitate this guy.

it was 6000 yesterday, whos fault is that? I wil ltell you who, the media for bringing it to our attention, they create the condition in which to copy, the parents neglecting to raise their child properly is another.

Media + Public Opinion = Disaster of moral value system, dont blame me, generations before me voted for the A**Clowns that screwed our country up, all the way back since Woodrow Wilson, so it might not be you, it might have been your/our Great grandparents but ever since around, ohhh I'd say 1907-08 we have all been conditioned and lied to, tinfoil hat is nowhere to be seen either, I have read history books from my Great Aunt's and Uncle's and they are NOTHING like what you would find, even from the mid 1920's.

Society is broken, no one can fix it, Can the .Gov, No, Can you? No, so why does it matter, not like there is gonna be any social security or medicare for him once he hits 55, shoot, get down to brass tax, we are paying for the soon to retire, and no one is going to pay into mine, that is kind of heartwarming huh? So who's future looks brighter? you think they will catch him? I think they will, and if he is smart, he will lock down a Movie and book deal and laugh all the way to the bank.:sorry1:

guns are dumb

Special Hen
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
I dont care if the price of goods goes up or not, they are all produced in China anyways, so who benefits and who doesn't, get real in your argument, im not saying he has a right to steal anything, but its his freedom to try ain't it, those oil companies that supply us with everything we need to live were founded on cutt-throat kill or be killed business practices, why should it be any different, because those that had great grandparents before us do that dirty work and now they are protected and holier than thou? no one should steal from the exalted while they punch you in the mouth and steal your wallet! that would be blasphemy!

No, it is not his "freedom" to try it. It's against the law and if there were no law, it would be against all moral codes.

it was 6000 yesterday, whos fault is that? I wil ltell you who, the media for bringing it to our attention, they create the condition in which to copy, the parents neglecting to raise their child properly is another.

Media + Public Opinion = Disaster of moral value system, dont blame me, generations before me voted for the A**Clowns that screwed our country up, all the way back since Woodrow Wilson, so it might not be you, it might have been your/our Great grandparents but ever since around, ohhh I'd say 1907-08 we have all been conditioned and lied to, tinfoil hat is nowhere to be seen either, I have read history books from my Great Aunt's and Uncle's and they are NOTHING like what you would find, even from the mid 1920's.

Society is broken, no one can fix it, Can the .Gov, No, Can you? No, so why does it matter, not like there is gonna be any social security or medicare for him once he hits 55, shoot, get down to brass tax, we are paying for the soon to retire, and no one is going to pay into mine, that is kind of heartwarming huh? So who's future looks brighter? you think they will catch him? I think they will, and if he is smart, he will lock down a Movie and book deal and laugh all the way to the bank.:sorry1:

The problem in your argument is you seem to say that you hate both big government and big business. The problem is that government only gets big by looting businesses and producers, thereby reducing the size of big business. Those big "evil" corporations pay huge numbers of dollars in taxes which reduce what you have to pay to the government. Don't you see the contradiction in your own statements?

You are against competition but you are against monopolies as well. Don't you see the oxymoron? You hate the government and you hate big business, yet you fail to recognize the tension that creates.

Based on your statements, I find your screen name purely ironic. You should drop the "hunter." Maybe just change your name to "James Taggart," that would suit you much better.

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