Annealing with Hard numbers

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May 19, 2010
Reaction score
Okla. City
You ever catch a .308 case from semi auto.
That case head gets smokin hot. At least the ones i picked up from a setme my friend was shooting

Nope, but the heat applied during annealing is there for 8-10 seconds not nanoseconds as when being fired.
Head temp after firing can't be much more that 250° if that.
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
Probably right .. hot enough to let go but not know how hot really.

OK so follow along ..I did some shooting today.

30 rounds total. .223
Load # 1..10 annealed LC-14 cases sorted and prepped.
Load #2...10 NOT annealed same LC-14 sorted and prepped.
Load # 3...10 mixed cases NOT annealed LC-13,14,15, some Lapua and Federal cases.

100 yards.
Went like this. First shot 5 rounds of a different load, then I shot
Load #1 3 rounds ,, then 3 rounds of load #2, then 3 rounds of load #3
Measured the group center to center.
#2 =.989"
#3= 1.040"
Then I loaded 3 more #1 and shot them.. then #2 and then #3 3 shots each.

#1 =.760"
#2 =.720"
#3 =1.12"
Then people showed up at the range.
I hung my last target and shot the last 4 rounds of each load.

#1= 1.040"
#2=1.378" 1 extreme flier in the group.
#3= 1.387" another flier.

Very windy at the last 3/4 of the range.
This was 60gr V-Max at mid 2900fps 22" barrel savage axis

Well that is 1 test.. probably more to come.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Even though you chamfered the necks you can still have somewhat poor bullet to case neck concentricity which may induce additional bullet seating force. Did you check case neck runout prior to and after bullet seating with a good concentricity gauge?

Also did you verify bullet diameter just to take this variable out of the equation? You may want to check the case neck wall thickness throughout the neck bore to assure apples to apples comparison. Some may need to be turned. Another variable is bullet bearing surface. Anything that can cause < \ > chamber pressure will induce vertical stringing.

I've found most (the average shooter, which I am) would not be able to determine vertical stringing was caused via reloading or shooter error at distance and for some, at closer ranges.

I, like you, enjoy the pursuit of the perfect reload but I'll settle for the perfect day of shooting.

Something like this
Last edited:
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
I did not turn necks and do not have a concentricity gauge, I built one but my starret dial indicator was sprung too stiff internally to even move when i placed it on the case. I checked others at a cam shop and all were too stiff to measure on the small cases.

I may get one one day.
I did make a bullet comparator (nut type) to measure where the base to ogive is and sort bullets like that ,, but only sorted my 69gr ones,, not the ones in the test.

The extreme fliers were probably due to stiff seating forces as I had about 4 that were over the norm.
I did measure some fired cases and some have an ID of .230" and others have an ID of .226.

Obviously i need to order some stuff as no one seems to have things i need in stock.
A pilot for my neck turner in .223 would be a good start.

I turned necks on my .308 and gained nothing.. But that was with a messed up factory bore in the last 1/2" of the barrel.
I eliminated pesky fliers neck turning my 30-30 cases,, That was when i was shooting 170gr cast loads. I still like those loads.

I do not feel this load is a great load in my .223,, it is OK but not perfect ...But i have only been to the range about 5 times with this gun.. still working on it.
Doing odd tests like this to see if I need to anneal my cases.

Most all my cases are range picked up and are probably shot through an AR.. I just wanted to give them a fresh as I could restart for my bolt gun.

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