I just switched to directv from Cox about two weeks ago. I have lost signal 4 times since the switch so I had a tech come out Saturday to fix the problem. Time will tell if the problem is fixed or not. Knowing what I know now, I would not have switched from cox, never a service interruption with them. For the pricing it's hard to beat satellite but having to deal with the little things is a part of the bargain. I love the whole home DVR thing and I have two DVRs to record more than two shows at once. i love that it syncs everything up in to one playlist. My biggest complaints other than the signal loss issue would be the lack of a clock on the equipment and the ever so slight pause between hitting the button on the remote and seeing the action happen. With cox I always knew what time it was and when I pressed the button to change channels I never had time to second guess myself as to whether I pushed the button or not. When my two year contract is up I might just go back to cox.