You would think that there is actually some real crime somewhere these clowns could look at. It must be a lot more fun to screw with regular folks who are less likely to shoot back. Too bad this guy did that cause they gun you down.
Do you think more or less bad guys got their hands on firearms from our recently deceased friend in Little Rock, or from Eric Holder and Barack Obama?
Whom ever approved a 6 am raid at this guy's house should be drug before Congress and then drug into the Arkansas State prison system to await execution. They willfully planned, with malice aforethought, the murder of a United States citizen. Then they carried out the plan, knowing full well this guy was going to be armed and would probably fight back in his confused and excited state of mind. They planned it so they would have the very best chance of killing him, and their plan worked to perfection. They are murderers. Every God damed one of them.