Breaking News: Sources say NRA won't oppose background check deal

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Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
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NE Oklahoma
Rest assured.....4473's are being recorded....and, the database is growing. Just as soon as the NRA backed universal background check requirement is implemented, the records will be cross checked with the national health record system put in place by Obamacare.

“We think it is reasonable to provide mandatory, instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show,” LaPierre said during a hearing held on May 27, 1999, in the wake of the Columbine High School shooting. “No loopholes anywhere for anyone. That means closing the Hinckley loophole so the records of those adjudicated mentally ill are in the system.”

The NRA helped get us on this path of Universal Background Checks, and now, look where we are.....never compromise on the Consitution! Period!!! If/When universal background checks become mandatory.....firearms will not be allowed to transfer between friends or family without going thru the cost of running the firearm thru a licensed FFL dealer and the use of a 4473. This means, you will no longer be able to give a pistol/rifle/shotgun to a friend, family member, son, father, wife, husband, daughter, etc. This is registration at its finest. The government will know who, and how many firearms are owned by their peasants.

The goal is to link the registry with health records, then a non-elected beaurocrat can decide which antidepressant medicine makes it unsafe for citizens to own firearms. It's a very slippery slope...

I recommend supporting the GOA (Gun Owners of America) or National Association of Gun Rights

Both of these organizations are NO COMPROMISE organizations. "The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" Pretty simple......if you can read and pass a 4th grade comprehension test.....


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
They are getting desperate. The shenanigans in commiefornia is going to sink this ship and they know it. They are going to go all in on ramming it through before too much damage is done and will lie their ass off to make it happen.

Also look at the NRA angle. They'd like nothing more than a bunch of gun owners and fence sitters to get pissed at the NRA. Just sayin...

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
And this is what wayne had to say January of this year while being questioned by senator Leahy.

LEAHY: Do you still, as you did in 1999, still support mandatory background checks at gun shows? Yes or no?
LAPIERRE: We support the national check system on dealers. We were here when one of your colleagues held the hearings in terms of who would be a dealer and who would be required to have a license. If you did it for live the good and profit, yes. If you did it for a hobby, no. [...]
LEAHY: You do not support background checks in all instances at gun shows?
LAPIERRE: We do not, because the fact is, the law right now is a failure the way it is working. You have 76,000 people that have been denied under the present law. Only 44 were prosecuted. You are letting them go. They’re walking the street.
LEAHY: Back in 1999, you said no loopholes anywhere for anyone. But now you do not support a background checks for all buyers of firearms?
LAPIERRE: The system the way it is working now is a failure. This administration is not prosecuting the people they catch. 22 states are not even putting the mental records of those adjudicated incompetent into the system. If they try to buy a gun, even if you catch them, and they try to walk away, you let them. They are criminals, homicidal maniacs, can’t mentally ill - and mentally ill. We all know that, maniacs and the mentally insane do not abide by the law..


Oct 22, 2010
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McAlester, Oklahoma
Rest assured.....4473's are being recorded....and, the database is growing. Just as soon as the NRA backed universal background check requirement is implemented, the records will be cross checked with the national health record system put in place by Obamacare.

Exactly how are the 4473's being recorded. None of mine have been recorded and none of any other current FFL have been recorded.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Exactly how are the 4473's being recorded. None of mine have been recorded and none of any other current FFL have been recorded.

A friend of mine in the business had the Jack Booted Thugs drop by one day to do an inspection of her records. When she retrieved 2 or 3 boxes of 4473's, the JBT's grabbed the boxes and started carrying them out.....meanwhile, they asked "You don't mind if we take these for a couple days??? DO YOU!!!"

How can she say no?? They'd put her out of business if she refused or challenged. About a week later the JBT's returned her 4473's. Plenty of time to copy and record all of the documents.

But, well, that's just crazy talk. They'd never do that.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
A friend of mine in the business had the Jack Booted Thugs drop by one day to do an inspection of her records. When she retrieved 2 or 3 boxes of 4473's, the JBT's grabbed the boxes and started carrying them out.....meanwhile, they asked "You don't mind if we take these for a couple days??? DO YOU!!!"

How can she say no?? They'd put her out of business if she refused or challenged. About a week later the JBT's returned her 4473's. Plenty of time to copy and record all of the documents.

But, well, that's just crazy talk. They'd never do that.

That is messed up. What was their excuse? And, who is the friend, or the name of the friends business?

Not that i dont believe you, i have no doubt that it happens.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
My story was just a ruse. It never happened. Just a cleverly conceived story to consume your attention. Believe what you want. I made the whole thing up. I'd give you their name, address, business name, etc, but, then you could confirm it wasn't true. I wouldn't want to bring negative publicity on my acquaintance for personal gain.

Sorry for my misleading posts.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
My story was just a ruse. It never happened. Just a cleverly conceived story to consume your attention. Believe what you want. I made the whole thing up. I'd give you their name, address, business name, etc, but, then you could confirm it wasn't true. I wouldn't want to bring negative publicity on my acquaintance for personal gain.

Sorry for my misleading posts.

It wasnt that clever. Apology not accepted.

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