Can I Or Can I Not Open Carry A Revolver Or Shotgun On My Rural Property?

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Special Hen Supporter
May 30, 2008
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Oklahoma City
1272 does doesn't it?

"It shall be unlawful for any person to carry upon or about his or her
person, or in a purse or other container belonging to the person, any
pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle whether loaded or unloaded...whether
such weapon be concealed or unconcealed..."

There is no exemption in there for being in your dwelling...or is there an exemption in another statute?

Just the tip of the proverbial Iceberg. There are several exceptions following "...except this section shall not prohibit:" The standard hunting, recreational and other exceptions are therein. Also, the SDA is referenced which includes a series of exceptions.

My reading shows that you may carry on your private rural property open. However, if not rural it will be a judgment call as most Municipalities frown upon the open carrying. State Law will prevail but maybe not at the moment when you are asked politely by your local LEO to get on the ground etc. :) Maybe someone else can weight in here to contravene what has thus far been posted.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Can you cite what section allows for what you speak of? I see no exemption for open carry on private rural land or in the home just for the sake of carrying. There us certainly no distinction between urban or rural either.

Likelihood of not being arrested and charged does not make it "legal"....IF we're talking about the law, not the application of it.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
If I lived on 10 acres in a rural area I'd carry and not think twice about it law or no law.

Probably in the form of a 18" barrel shotgun with #4 Buckshot. That will keep you safe from anything 4 or 2 legged liable to be on your property in OK and would be much easier to explain than a handgun IMO. Well I guess the explanation would be the same but a SG doesnt carry the same connotation as a handgun.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
1286.6 doesn't exist I assume you mean 1289.6. Nothing in 1289.6 specifically exempts "tending land", as the OP asked, nor is there any kind of special exemption for rural land owners. The exemptions and conditions for carrying are very clear and narrow in scope. Combine 1289.6 with 1272 and I don't see any exemption for open carrying of any sort beyond that which is spelled out. Maybe I'm missing it, but can you show me where 1289 or 1272 exempt open carry on rural land when someone is just out working said land?

The SDA, 1290.1 through 1290.26, doesn't come into play since it only speaks to the rules, regulations, procedures and restrictions revolving around concealed carry. It does not add or take away from the general restriction of carrying weapons in Oklahoma beyond the narrow exemption for those with permits.

Again, I think you are confusing the low probability of being arrested for carrying on rural land with the legality of carrying on rural land.

If carring for self-defense on rural land was an exemption under the "any lawful purpose" exemption, then carrying in town would/should be an exemption as well and we wouldn't need to pass Open Carry legislation in the state.
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Special Hen
Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
1272 does doesn't it?

"It shall be unlawful for any person to carry upon or about his or her
person, or in a purse or other container belonging to the person, any
pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle whether loaded or unloaded...whether
such weapon be concealed or unconcealed..."

There is no exemption in there for being in your dwelling...or is there an exemption in another statute?

If we took your interpretation and comments here about carrying a firearm openly in our own homes, then that would me I couldn't clean, handle, repair, or otherwise do anything with a firearm "openly" within my own home. Do you think this argument makes any sense whatsoever? You're really over analyzing this as I don't think you are seriously asking people here to believe that it is anywhere remotely illegal to handle a firearm within your own home. That would mean all the people in the news who have recently defended themselves and their home from an intruder by using deadly force should be arrested for "illegal carry". Seriously?? Legality is what the courts make of it. So, what I'd like you to do instead of trying to over analyze the law, I'd like you to find me a court case here in Oklahoma where the laws you mention were applied, and someone was punished for "illegal carry" within their own home. That's really all that is going to matter. There is a very, very old case where courts upheld the fact that it was indeed illegal to carry outside your home openly, and on your own property. However, the law appears to not have been challenged again with the addition of the self-defense act, and the current climate of being more open to carrying firearms. I believe the courts would rule differently now.

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