Considering getting my son a GSD for his first dog... advice?

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
Ive seen a few like that also. Most of those situations are owner induced even when they don't think or know so.

This is SO SO SO true. I've been working with and training dogs literally my entire life and dogs are SO much smarter than people think. Anything a dog has learned, both good AND bad, is directly related to the people in it's sphere of influence. Most people aren't nearly as good at "reading" dogs as dogs are at "reading" people.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Love the Doberman. Can be great house dogs.


worthless dogs

Ive seen a few like that also. Most of those situations are owner induced even when they don't think or know so.

i know abuse doesn't do kind things to any dog, but dobermans have a particularity low tolerance for abuse and neglect. they seem to be more emotional than any other dog i've had. super needy dogs. if you meet a bad doberman i would bet money it has been abused or at least not had enough contact with humans.

i saw a post on a GSD forum from a GSD owner considering a doberman and a guy who had both said "the GSD likes to be on the couch or in the room with me. the doberman needs to be on top of me." that was spot on.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I know this has nothing to do with the topic being discussed but I thought I would mention it anyway. If anyone is looking for a pit bull the Shawnee animal shelter has 4 of them right now. They are very nice looking dogs. I would take all of them if I didn’t already have 4 dogs. I am still considering picking one up. But then I feel so guilty about the others it’s hard to do. They also have other dog breeds there as well. I really wish we could find a permanent solution that would help these unwanted pets. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see a dog that doesn’t have a loving home. So I would encourage anyone that is looking for a dog to check shelters and rescues first.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
When I was a kid, my family started a couple strange pet traditions, all our pets names would start with the letter “b” and we’d never get the same breed twice. We’ve had a lab, beagle, schnauzer, chihuahua, golden, standard poodle, a spaniel mutt, and I’ve had a pitbull terrier, and just now a gsd pup. Honestly, the poodle was the smartest (that’s why they’re in circuses) but my pitbull
Has been the best dog in the world. I was skeptical when I got him, but I literally can trust him with anyone/anywhere including small animals and children. He completely changed my view of the breed. The stereotype is that they’re mean natured but my opinion is that their main drive is to go all out to please their master. I say that as a vet tech.

The only dog I’ll never own is a cocker spaniel btw
I have a pit female and I love her to death. I have had many good dogs and still do but I would say she is by far my favorite. And you are right about them going all out to please you. I can always count on my girl to be at the door waiting when I get home. And she stays by my side until I leave for work the next day. She even sleeps with me like a little baby. She lays in my arm next to me every night. My wife gets jealous. Lol.

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