Arms are arms. There is no discrimination allowed in the Second Amendment between any supposed classes of arms. There can be no limitations on what arms are allowed in war - even if that war is one between the people of a country and those in the government of that country. There is no other way to secure a free state and a state of freedom.
It is the right of the people to keep a free state and the duty of the people to preserve it. Dictators, despots, and tyrants do not hold power with promises, benevolence, or even harsh language. They hold power with arms and can only be deterred or defeated with arms. The limits upon government in the Second Amendment are common sense. Besides, an armed government alone cannot guarantee freedom from conquest, but an armed government and an armed populace can.
It is the right of the people to keep a free state and the duty of the people to preserve it. Dictators, despots, and tyrants do not hold power with promises, benevolence, or even harsh language. They hold power with arms and can only be deterred or defeated with arms. The limits upon government in the Second Amendment are common sense. Besides, an armed government alone cannot guarantee freedom from conquest, but an armed government and an armed populace can.