Pope Clement XII - wealthy lawyer who bought his way into a high position of the church, receiving dispensation and appointment after appointment by paying off anyone who would move him up. Once he became Pope, he concentrated on making money, cause we all know, MONEY IS THE REAL POWER. How do you do things like that- you come up with rulings that any other organization a Catholic might belong to is bad so they will only spend time and money for the church. The Anti-Popes through history make me sick, up to and including the off the rail lib in there now. You want me to support the Priesthood- they better be Christ on Earth. Ahead of this not so good person was an earlier Pope Clement V in 1307, who in a scheme with his cousin, King Phillip IV of France, who had received money and the services of the Knights Templar, and who not only, didn't want to pay them, but wanted to steal the rest of their money. So, they just name them as heretics for preforming ceremonies, claiming they were against church teachings. They had a "secret" ceremony for membership that got deemed heresy. Then Philip had Jacques de Molay, head of the Knights Templar executed and forced Clement to order all of them arrested and their funds seized. Nothing less than murder for money. The DeMolay and Masons are believed to have modeled themselves partially on the beliefs of the Knights Templar and the Stone Masons in a symbolic manner. The more I learn about Catholics through the years make me question being one. The Catholic church has been responsible for a lot of death, corruption, sexual misconduct, and many other sins, that I hope are in the past. Today I like the structure and service of the Mass. I believe in the sacrifice and provisions that bring it into place. I don't know that I will ever be a fan of all of its priesthood.You’re a converted Catholic, which I’m taking to mean you are Catholic (unless you meant you converted away from Catholicism). As a self-proclaimed Catholic, you should know Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from joining Freemasonry in 1738 under pain of excommunication. Even John Paul II declared in 1983 that Catholics enrolled in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin.
You disregard elements of your own religion in favor of those of Freemasonry. This just proves my point that they are irreconcilable.