Wow. After reading this it seems people really need to lighten up. My wife's parents wouldnt let her celebrate Halloween or believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy. She feels like she was cheated out of sacred parts of childhood. Get a grip people. Halloween trick or treaters no more grow up to be devil worshipers than kids who play video games grow up to be killers because they did it on a video game.
Kind of sucks, because my wife likes to go crazy on every holiday. She loves Halloween, and dresses up every year and we find some adult party to go to. Just got home from one tonight. The part that sucks is that I hate holidays in general, I think its stupid and would rather stay home. Im talking every holiday, Christmas, Valentines, St. Patricks etc etc etc. Theyre so comercialized its dumb. Anyways, I partake because my wife enjoys it to an extent. When we have kids Im sure we will be out trick or treating like I did when I was kids and my dad did. If teenagers act even dumber than normal on Halloween, who cares. As long as no one gets killed or any terrible vandalism is done, let them be kids for petes sake. Lord knows I egged and toilet papered my share of houses, and I think I remember someone having a wigi board one year. Surprise surprise, I turned out to be a responsible, productive and yes even church going adult. None of my school aged friends turned out to be terrible people either.
Cliff Notes Version: Relax.
Kind of sucks, because my wife likes to go crazy on every holiday. She loves Halloween, and dresses up every year and we find some adult party to go to. Just got home from one tonight. The part that sucks is that I hate holidays in general, I think its stupid and would rather stay home. Im talking every holiday, Christmas, Valentines, St. Patricks etc etc etc. Theyre so comercialized its dumb. Anyways, I partake because my wife enjoys it to an extent. When we have kids Im sure we will be out trick or treating like I did when I was kids and my dad did. If teenagers act even dumber than normal on Halloween, who cares. As long as no one gets killed or any terrible vandalism is done, let them be kids for petes sake. Lord knows I egged and toilet papered my share of houses, and I think I remember someone having a wigi board one year. Surprise surprise, I turned out to be a responsible, productive and yes even church going adult. None of my school aged friends turned out to be terrible people either.
Cliff Notes Version: Relax.