Do you think any of our LEO not supporting OK SDA or conceal carry?

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Yep. Some guy who has a bad heart, never gets out of his easy chair and a mean mouth that regularly overloads his butt said it so it must be true ... :wink2:

:rollingla (But I'm gonna have to check and make sure I got that right ... because I'm biased about stuff, ya know! :D)

He also said that I put the mojo on his buddy at a gun show over a PPK.

That's my goal in a a gun transaction. To make the seller feel like a pretty boy in prison.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
He also said that I put the mojo on his buddy at a gun show over a PPK.

That's my goal in a a gun transaction. To make the seller feel like a pretty boy in prison.

I remember ... I got some PMs from guys who thought I was too rough on him when I was defending you ... Funny as all get out ... Like I actually care what some random people on the internet think about what I say to some guy who had it coming ... Another fella who still posts here from time to time found out what it's like to try to intimidate me in PMs also ... Never works out well for "Mr. Hot Shot" who's gonna put me in my place ... Never ... :D What's really funny is when I ran into both of them out in public later they were just as sweet as they could be to me ... :rolleyes2 Good thing for them I actually find all this guy drama quite humorous (given the things men say about girl drama) ... Just another day in paradise, am I right?? :woot:

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Yep. Some guy who has a bad heart, never gets out of his easy chair and a mean mouth that regularly overloads his butt said it so it must be true ... :wink2:

:rollingla (But I'm gonna have to check with a man -- can't be GC, he's biased too probably, being a JBT and all :D -- and make sure I got that right ... because I'm biased about stuff, ya know! :D)

jeez...are you on your period or what?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
His restaurant, his rules. Don't go there.

Well councilor, I've had this discussion with co-workers before...the overwhelming position seemed to be that a BUSINESS is not the same as a HOUSE. So therefore, if he intends to do business with the PUBLIC, then he is acknowledging that his business is a PUBLIC place despite the fact it is PRIVATELY-OWNED.

How do you see that argument? I thought it was a good argument. It is the same as Walmart...they essentially choose to do business in Oklahoma with the public and therefore should respect the laws of Oklahoma. They should have the right not to let me in their houses with a gun, but in their store, they should not be able to decided who gets Constitutional rights and who doesn't. What say you on this JB? Is there any validity here (even if you don't agree)?

I think its his business, and he can make the rules for that business or property. His rights as the owner should be unassailable. Having said that, the options for a potential patron is to ignore the sign or not support the business with their money.
I am surprised that some people do not understand that the second amendment is designed to be a deterrent to governmental encroachment, not a universal right that trumps the personal rights of private property.

So then by that logic...on my PRIVATE property...I CAN say "No gays" right??? Of course I'd never do that, but I want you guys to explain the difference to me???

Think it's sad. And I won't go there... especially if it is owned by a LEO and he/she doesn't support our right to carry.

In fact, one of our lame-brain dipsh!t state Reps is a former OHP Trooper who outspokenly ranted against open carry and doesn't believe we should be concealed carrying, either.

But of course, HE still gets to carry a gun...he is better than you...that is the only explanation I can think of?

Oh God! Please feed the animals.

LOl JB that made me laugh out loud for real! We need some humor in these threads

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