Jeff, Janice, Willard, L.J, Keelty. I don't know who else besides you 2
Don't get me goin' tonight big bird.......
Jeff, Janice, Willard, L.J, Keelty. I don't know who else besides you 2
Don't get me goin' tonight big bird.......
Jeff, Janice, Willard, Lonnie, Keelty. I don't know who else besides you 2
Blah, blah, blah.
Me and robert would like to shoot with you guys again we had fun shooting with you last time.
Cant miss us Join the fun and feel free to eat with us (required for membership).......
No kidding! Look for Big Enos and Little Enos Burdette from smokey and the bandit.
I was thinking you where more of a cannon ball run character..... The elephant
Jeff, Janice, Willard, Lonnie, Keelty. I don't know who else besides you 2
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