Feral dogs can be very destructive when it comes to wildlife. I am seeing an increase in feral dogs activity this year. I am missing 2 fawns that I contributed to coyotes. Last Sunday I shot a yote with a Glock 19 at around 40 yards that showed up at the wrong time. I figured that was the culprit for the fawn loss. Two nights ago,I heard a dog yipping outside around 10:30 which was waaay out of line since there are no dogs at my house just a couple of cats. I grabbed the M4 and looked out the window to see a pit bull and another large dog running around my 4 wheeler. The minute I turned on the tactical light they scattered. Yesterday morning I walked outside to feed the cats and found my 4 wheeler cover in shreds. Shortly after I saw 3 dogs out back. The M4 spoke twice and two self destructed with the third running off. Later I caught no.3 in the back field, oopsie, another bad day for him. One cat has been found the other has not shown up yet. The deer have stopped showing up in the yard too. The pack has been thinned and there were no collars on any of them.