Finally scored some .22

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
Go to a gun show, and report back. LOL.

The neck beards that normally score the ammo at our local walmart buy it at $24.89, and don't get out of the store before they sell it for a minimum of $50 to those in line that don't get any and just want to take their kids shooting. The ones that don't sell it in the store have been paid by the local pawn shops, and a gun shop to stand in line. Their prices run from $50-$65.
Its the same people in line every time.

Why I got lucky, I don't know. Been complaining to the store to put it out at different times. Maybe they are listening.

So, basically double. ok

last question, where is the bar for someone to think another is gouging? 10% markup? 20%? 30%? ....and of that mark-up, does it depend on what price the alleged gouger bought it at? or is set at current WM prices?

I gave away 2 bricks to a cub scout dad so his two boys could get their small arms badge, but the next week I sold another brick of the ammo for $30 to a guy looking for ammo at academy. I probably had $25 invested in those 3 bricks combined.

did I gouge? or did I set a price that the market would bear? did I feel bad, nope. Why should I sell to the guy for $8? So he can flip it? no thanks.

you know...people say, "stop paying the gougers and everything will come back to normal". I think the new normal is here, but it fluctuates just like gas, eggs and milk or the cost of ice cream.

People bitch and moan about $3.50 for a gallon of gas, but yet they buy $1.99 for 20oz of water. Like BB said people will bitch about being hung with a new rope.

I just paid .07 a round for some ammo that will take me years to shoot (and my kid, in like 5 weekends).

I sold 5k on this very board last October for $200, at a time when all neckbeards were at the top of their game and every OSA'er wanted blood...I had $160 in that ammo. So, depending on your answer to my question above, I may have gouged. God forbid I made money in America, where Capitalism reigns free. If you make payments on your car or have a mortgage, someone is making money. They ain't in the money making biznizz for fun. Those LGS and pawn shops you mentioned that pay ppl to get all the ammo. How much do they pay them? I wonder if they are passing along that cost to us. Hell, even SSP was selling Federal Blue for $39.99 just 2 month ago. let's get real folks.

Did you hear about GW closing their doors? neither did I. Their prices are astronomically high which means someone is still paying their "gougers" price and they will continue to pay, because, well you know...not everyone is as smart as everyone here at OSA.


Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Out in the woods.
It's not so much the price the line standing vultures ask, it's the fact that they've got the manager at the store paid off to let them know when the next pallet of ammo comes in, don't have to go to work so they can stand in line at 0530 while the rest of the working world has to go to work and artificially creating a shortage that shouldn't really exist.
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
So, basically double. ok

last question, where is the bar for someone to think another is gouging? 10% markup? 20%? 30%? ....and of that mark-up, does it depend on what price the alleged gouger bought it at? or is set at current WM prices?

I gave away 2 bricks to a cub scout dad so his two boys could get their small arms badge, but the next week I sold another brick of the ammo for $30 to a guy looking for ammo at academy. I probably had $25 invested in those 3 bricks combined.

did I gouge? or did I set a price that the market would bear? did I feel bad, nope. Why should I sell to the guy for $8? So he can flip it? no thanks.

you know...people say, "stop paying the gougers and everything will come back to normal". I think the new normal is here, but it fluctuates just like gas, eggs and milk or the cost of ice cream.

People bitch and moan about $3.50 for a gallon of gas, but yet they buy $1.99 for 20oz of water. Like BB said people will bitch about being hung with a new rope.

I just paid .07 a round for some ammo that will take me years to shoot (and my kid, in like 5 weekends).

I sold 5k on this very board last October for $200, at a time when all neckbeards were at the top of their game and every OSA'er wanted blood...I had $160 in that ammo. So, depending on your answer to my question above, I may have gouged. God forbid I made money in America, where Capitalism reigns free. If you make payments on your car or have a mortgage, someone is making money. They ain't in the money making biznizz for fun. Those LGS and pawn shops you mentioned that pay ppl to get all the ammo. How much do they pay them? I wonder if they are passing along that cost to us. Hell, even SSP was selling Federal Blue for $39.99 just 2 month ago. let's get real folks.

Did you hear about GW closing their doors? neither did I. Their prices are astronomically high which means someone is still paying their "gougers" price and they will continue to pay, because, well you know...not everyone is as smart as everyone here at OSA.

When the neckbeards standing in line are paid by others to do so, It creates an artificial shortage. Its not a shortage by the factory's at all. They are and have been in full production.

Its NOT the new normal. Its artificial and created. That is my point.

Kudu's to you for the good things you've done. But I don't agree that an artificial shortage is the new norm. One of these days it will settle down.

I'm one that will hold the line on pricing, and not accept higher priced ammo. I'm one that is going to be the solution to help alleviate the problem vs buying at high prices and contributing to the problem.

I fervently believe in the free market system, but not in this case.

mr ed

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
It's not so much the price the line standing vultures ask, it's the fact that they've got the manager at the store paid off to let them know when the next pallet of ammo comes in, don't have to go to work so they can stand in line at 0530 while the rest of the working world has to go to work and artificially creating a shortage that shouldn't really exist.

You live too far out in the woods to keep up with the changing times.LOL!
its called and you don't have to pay a manager.
the ammo comes in at all times of the day not just overnite.
the most 22 ammo I've seen lately is at Academy sports on sunday afternoons.

mr ed

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 14, 2009
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I'd like to know what is a fair markup on ammo these days.
I'm opening a store and will be selling ammo.
I'm not Walmart and I don't have a biilion bucks to buy ammo like they do.
I was in the Gun Biz 25 years and was never able to buy and sell as cheap as wally world.
Dongs,Sportsworld,Jerrys,Sooner Guns, and others are surviving just fine and they don't try to compete with Walmart either.

If you live and breathe walmart you better get in line, their ammo contract is up soon and the prices will be higher.
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
If you live and breathe walmart you better get in line, their ammo contract is up soon and the prices will be higher.

I work with two people that previously worked for companies that do business with Walmart and from what I'm told, Walmart pretty much tell companies what they are paying for a certain item and the companies fall in line. I would imagine Walmart is a pretty big ammo distributer when you take all locations into consideration and I would also imagine the ammo companies are falling over themselves to keep the business.

If ammo prices go up, it isn't because the ammo companies told Walmart they are charging them more.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
oh, prices WILL be goin up.....why wouldn't they...they have people camping out to get the product. I'm surprised they haven't jacked the price more already.

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