Ward worked in an office.I haven’t seen an episode in perhaps 40 years, - but what exactly did Ward Cleaver do?
Seems like there was lots of lounging, ceremoniously taking off suit coats, smoking pipes and reading the paper with legs crossed like a girl. —- the Beav was perpetually between 8-10 years old and Wally was 15’ish?
Doing the math, Ward should’ve been between the age of 35 - 45, not gallivanting around like a 64 y/o fartknocker
I also enjoy the shows where whenever the gent gets home, there is ice and a carafe of bourbon waiting on the sideboard perpetually a’la Bewitched
Or how about Family Affair? “French!!! Get me a drink!” - why does a 53 year old bachelor alcoholic have a live in butler?
I believe, he was an Accountant.
Being a supporting character, he would have been only shown in situations dealing with the main character (Beaver), who would not be at the office.
Mr French (man servant) functions as Wife.
As great as it would be to be married to Sam (Bewitched). I'm not sure it would be great enough, to offset dealing with that M-i-L.