Goodbye Loyal and Devoted Furry Friend and Family Member

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
Somewhere west of Tulsa
It is with a very heavy heart that we must say, farewell, till we meet again, to a very important member of our family. Donar (pronounced DON-ER) is 10 and until recently still acted like a puppy. However, as so often seems to happen, illness has taken over his body and try as we did, he will no longer eat and he is suffering. Therefore, as hard as it is, and I know many of you here understand exactly what I'm saying, we have no other option other than to release him from his pain and send him off to Rainbow Bridge where we will see him again on the other side. Goodbye for now Donar, it has been an honor to be, your human.

Donar with Bone.jpg

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