Hell has frozen over

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Gun control pretty much disgusts me.

Then I'm reminded the only other option we get is a party that has been polarized until their national representation and presidential candidates sound a lot like this guy below me here. The democrats push one issue that disgusts me, the republicans push more than I can count.

So I'm left to make the selfish decision that somehow, no matter what happens, I personally will be able to own, posses and carry whatever firearms I want in my life. And the weapons, magazines, and ammunition I have are not going anywhere. Take from that what you will. To me it's far more important to shout down the unbridled lunacy that is the current Republican Party.

When the murders of those children in Connecticut took place, you were full of indignation. Yet you consistently champion and vote for the continued slaughter of 1.5 million unborn children every year. That's hypocritical and the Republican party does not need people like you.

You champion the advancement of perversion masquerading as the "gay" movement all in the name of "alternative lifestyle." The Republican party does not need people like you.

You favor the crimigrant invasion of our country. The Republican, etc.

Why do you people insist on changing the Republican party from within? Why don't you just stay in the RAT party and change them?

You remind me of how kalifornians like to flee the sewer they've created (all on the issues I've just mentioned, btw), and move to nice places. Then they turn those nice places (Oregon, Washington State, Colorado) into the exact same dumps they just left.

You lunatics are who changed the Republican party from within - for the worse. Eisenhower and Roosevelt would poop on your car hood if they were physically able.

I'll wince at very new gun law, but I'll still smile every single time this lunatic party takes a hit.


Aug 14, 2012
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Believe me, if a new GUN BAN gets passed it will be because the current GOP caves in. Much like last time. Who ya gonna replace them with? The new and improved GOP?

Maybe JB is the face of the new improved GOP, socially Liberal and fiscally conservative. Todays political climate, with the pending gun ban fight, will pit "socially Liberal" against "fiscally Conservative". The two ideals are like water and oil.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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socially Liberal and fiscally conservative

You guys who think you can be socially liberal while at the same time being fiscally conservative would have gotten along great with Marie Antoinette - and we all know how she ended up - or maybe not. Those who don't see the paradox in trying to be both at the same time have hearts bigger than their brains.


Special Hen
Jul 11, 2011
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You guys who think you can be socially liberal while at the same time being fiscally conservative would have gotten along great with Marie Antoinette - and we all know how she ended up - or maybe not. Those who don't see the paradox in trying to be both at the same time have hearts bigger than their brains.

So it's not possible to have a variety of thoughts/opinions?


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Not everyone in the republican party is bad. I have been a republican since I first registered. I don't agree with everything they do. But I agree with a lot. I am not one ounce liberal. I am a strong conservative. I am a Christian and don't believe in gay marriage, abortion or any other liberal thing that most democrats believe in. I don't listen to the media and let that be what gets me to believe a certain way. And that is the problem with politics these days. And since when is it bad for someone to be successful here in this country?? For some reason democrats want to try and demonize someone that is rich. For instance, Mitt Romney. Now I don't really like him but he did work his whole life to become a millionaire and better yet a success. He is living the American dream. But now he is considered a piece of dirt because he is successful. I don't understand this. Why should he be penalized because he is successful? That is the main reason why I am against raising taxes on the rich. Why should they be penalized for being successful? I am not rich so that isn't why I am saying this. It is the truth, that is why I am saying it. But as for being a republican, just because you become one doesn't make you a bad person. You don't have to be like someone else. I am not. I have my own mind.

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