He didnt donate that I can remember (maybe I'm forgetting) so he really has no voice in the matter as far as I am concerned.Sir if you was so knowledgeable on what we needed to buy, why didn’t you step up to plate and drive. A lot of folks on here done the best they could with what they had to work with. Also went out there way to help him. While other folks set on there ass on sideline an judge that BS. I respect everyone opinion but Sir you are completely out of line.
And yes Jakeboy, the purchase prices were posted and remaining funds sent via my account to Rick. Ask him, actually, dont, its none of your damn business since you didnt participate . I was careful to be completely transparent with others money and I posted updates often. If Lowes told Rick his mower was a demo, they lied. I know for a fact they dont sell demo anything. Go there and ask if you can buy a box of screws and ask for a demo box LOL