Hey! All you LEOs/OHP Guys.........

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Kinda makes me wonder ... How often did people driving covered wagons, buckboards, or stagecoaches get a ticket out on the open road for speeding?

When I was in my first and only year of college, I had to do a paper on antique laws still on the books. Since the college was in Tonkawa Okla, Northern Oklahoma college, I researched the traffic laws in that city.
Back in the advent of the horseless carriage, before one could be driven in town, the Sheriff had to be notified, there had to be a person with a flag and a shotgun firing a round every hundred yards while waving the flag. The motorist was liable if any horse or livestock panicked and caused damage.
Fast forward to a couple of years ago I was on the same squad with the Chief of Police of Tonkawa, so I thought I'd be a smart arse and get his permission to go through town firing a shotgun before going to Mary's Restaurant.
It was a definite not gonna happen response.
A couple matches later he looked me up and said that he had done personal research on that old law. It had been taken off the books as a law back in the 80's.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Those cars are sold at insurance auctions, not stolen as someone described. They are providing a real need for Mexicans and the drivers are not doing anything illegal.

We are a pro-business state, isn’t that correct? I am actually surprised people are complaining and want more government intervention on a man trying to make a living for his family.

I guess the other option is to just stay here and get on welfare. Would that make you happy ?
THe drivers aren't doing anything illegal?? So, your telling me a mini van flat towing another mini van and behind that is a small toyota/ford/chevy compact car is legal to tow? The best tow capacity of any mini van on the market is about 3600 lbs with a braked tow capacity (most trailers that could be legally towed by a minivan or other small vehicle don't have brakes either). You think the unibody chasse and their hitches on mini vans is capable of towing 6-7K pounds? In the picture i posted originally that Ram 1500 is still overweight especially since the towed vehicles don't have braking capabilities. If they were braked the Ram may be just about legit. So, yes, the drivers are breaking the law, but your good with that.


Special Hen
Jan 28, 2011
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So why do they have to be Mexican?

if you see it all the time and they are not stopped by law enforcement common sense says they are either really good at car and mouse OR there is nothing wrong.

Why don’t you tell on yourself for using the radar detector on your glass?
Yes they are legal to have, but illegal to use when committing a crime. Wait you just use it to know where law enforcement is right? You don’t use it to not get caught speeding.
Don’t be stupid.
Someone else is breaking the law while I break the law so I will complain about them…sounds just like the republicans and democrats.
feelings were hurt


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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To add to this- we have an officer here who literally writes tickets solely based on his feelings/opinions.
Completely worthless
I wasn't going to reply to you but you insist upon ignorant statements of me writing tickets solely on my opinions of someone breaking the law or not. Cops are human. I am human. We have discretionary powers when it comes to enforcement in some instances. I would not want to be in a jurisdiction that employed robocops as you apparently want them to be. See violation, write ticket. Have you ever gotten a verbal warning? If so, I'll just bet the officer had an opinion and used his power of discretion to not write you up.

Are we done here?

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I wasn't going to reply to you but you insist upon ignorant statements of me writing tickets solely on my opinions of someone breaking the law or not. Cops are human. I am human. We have discretionary powers when it comes to enforcement in some instances. I would not want to be in a jurisdiction that employed robocops as you apparently want them to be. See violation, write ticket. Have you ever gotten a verbal warning? If so, I'll just bet the officer had an opinion and used his power of discretion to not write you up.

Are we done here?
No I do not believe in robo cops. In fact I believe we need less law enforcement and laws across the board.
I agree you cops are human. I agree if you decide to make the choice to give a verbal for whatever.
Issuing a verbal for something you don’t like that’s not illegal is wrong.
You acknowledged that detectors were legal, you stated there were only invented with one thing in mind, to break the law. You said you do not like them so you issue verbal warnings.
Hell I maybe misunderstanding what you were saying? If I’m wrong correct me.
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Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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They’re not selling them cheap down there ....They take them to Mexico because they can sell them for more there not for less.
The exchange rate is around 18-1.
Yes it’s expensive to the buyer down there,
However, in general it’s cheaper to buy things across the board down there.
Medical, cars, cost of living, land, housing.


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Mar 3, 2019
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Another question for OHP/LEOs .....how do these people get by with these expired dealer tags.? They are everywhere everyday.

It seems like an easy fix.........tags are purchased at the dealership before the vehicle ever hits the road. And then all expired tags...the vehicle is loaded up and impounded on the spot. Once this gets to be the standard there would probably be very few freeloaders.

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