Here, I made a form for you to complete so you can understand:rifles have specs what you talking about
My AR is made by__________(brand), I purchased it _________________ (year)
The barrel length is________________(inches)
the Barrel is_________ (type of) steel with a _____(ratio) twist and a ________(Choose one: Pistol, carbine, midlength, rifle, other) gas system.
My upper receiver is made by ______________(brand)
my lower receiver is made by __________________(brand)
My trigger is a ________________________(brand)
I have shot _________________________ (how many in whole numbers) rounds through it
My favorite things about this rifle is___________________________ (insert cool features here)
Insert description/other parts/any custom work done below: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I purchased this gun: (select one please)
As a parts kit and assembled myself
As a parts kit and had someone else assemble
as a complete rifle
as a upper and lower and put them together
(end of select one section)
Please post picture(s) of rifle below:
Fill it out, be a good sport. If necessary I can create a version of this form with larger text so that it is easier to read. We're tying to take out bets on you and @Camo going to the range to see who's rifle can piss further.
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