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Dr. HK

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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Well, there is a correlation and I have seen it in action. 1) where ever legal marijuana is the vagrants go. 2) I lived in CA and it became legalized and vagrants increased drastically. 3) Moved to CO and same thing legal weed = more vagrants 3) OK legal weed = more vagrants. 4) compound that with many states offering bus rides to destinations out of state to try and decrease the population of vagrants.

the bandaid: Offers some pocket change, food, beverages, and a bus ticket to warm sunny CA.

Dr. HK

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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the long-term fix is to suspend their constitutional rights. Get them clean from drugs and alcohol, give them mental help, and work for housing situation. Deport illegal aliens. Rehab some of the decayed cities and infrastructure.


Supporting Member
Aug 13, 2024
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Edmond area
Why are there so many homeless people now? Has it always been this way? Is it just the cost of living? It’s not like Oklahoma has a high unemployment rate
I have a friend who was addicted to fentanyl for some time, (almost) had no clue about it. If he hadn't had the support network he has and great parents he would be on the streets (if not being welcome to stay with me). Nicest guy I've ever met but that *stuff* takes you and makes you a desperate and entirely different and dependent person. Drugs amplify and reveal the worst aspects of people. (although he remained kind to me)

That *stuff* is everywhere, you can't get any sort of illicit substance without running a risk. Buddy had never done opiates or hard drugs but its incredibly prolific; Additionally, until doctors stop handing out prescription opiates like candy its only going to get worse.

Not to mention the "6%" inflation and economic downturn due to the entire global economy being shut down (rather foolishly). Everyone is struggling and having a harder time than before (except for those that profited) and the people who had $50s of wiggle room from getting by or not couldn't anymore, lots of people couldn't take the hit and had no recourse.
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Supporting Member
Aug 13, 2024
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Edmond area
the long-term fix is to suspend their constitutional rights. Get them clean from drugs and alcohol, give them mental help, and work for housing situation. Deport illegal aliens. Rehab some of the decayed cities and infrastructure.
Constitutional rights should never ever be infringed, as a member of the 2A community you should understand this. Constitutional rights apply to all US citizens. If they choose to get clean that is their decision, if not they will suffer one of the 2 universal consequences, prison or death.
It is their right to choose.

Advocating for the suppression of a US citizen's rights (without there being just cause to do so. EX: violent felons) is dangerous at best and deplorable at worst. Consider the fact that they are human beings with emotions and rights, many want to change but just can't get off the smack. I don't give them money that will ultimately contribute to their death, but there are plenty of other options. Go talk to a homeless person, ask them about themselves many are interesting people and a little bit of respect and human decency would mean the world to them. If not, grab your old worn out jackets and sleeping bags or what have you and go physically hand give them to a homeless person (or persons). It is a humanizing experience and it should be something you do out of moral obligation not to brag to friends for "good person points" either (except for to random internet strangers you will never meet ig).

If they are: shooting up in the open, shooting up/ tweaking in front of kids or in a public space or any other legitimate reason; call the cops.

I swear people can't help but impose themselves on others, the right has become just as bad. America is about freedom, if you are not causing harm to others you have a god given right to do whatever the *heck* you choose, full stop.
If they want to ingest their poison of choice and know the risks that is their decision. It's same as alcohol and cigarettes.

“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.” -H.L. Mencken​

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New to the site!
Jul 8, 2020
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There have always been homeless people. A lot of people that would have been homeless were drafted into the military and taught what they need to know to live. The ones that weren't were called bums, hobos, outlaws, and mentally ill. The hobos and bums lived in camps, the outlaws were sent to prison, and the mentally ill were institutionalized. Now-a-days we just let them all run free.

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