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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Pure scammers. I've seen people being let off at corners and exchanging workers as if they were working a shift. They had a newer Ford F250 and three more people inside.

I've talked to one fella that had a sister in Dallas that was in the hospital and he needed money for gas. I gave him a 20. He was there again the next night "needing gas money".

Pissed me the eff off! I called the police.

Saw a wheelchair guy with Marine and POW flags with one leg at I40 and Meridian. I gave him a salute.

He returned my salute with the wrong hand. Funny thing is he started to do it correctly with the right hand then switched to the left. He was for sure not a marine.

Yep. When I worked on Hotel Row here in the City there were more vagrants than there were hotel guests some nights. Man what a clusterfvck. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that mass of craziness anymore. There was one homeless trans (M2F) who threatened to kick my ass because he/she/it was a former Navy Seal. Allegedly. I took my name pin off, rolled up my sleeves and said Bring it, butch -- errr *****!" All the folks (hotel guests and homeless) that were standing around watching the show busted out laughing! 🤣🤣🤣 He/she/it just kinda slunk off talking to itself (that was not abnormal). I put my pin back on, rolled down my sleeves and went back inside. No more trouble that night. Or any other from that idiot.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
I know quite a few homeless people. I would say 99% have serious drug addictions. The ones I know have burned every bridge of family members by stealing from them. I have compassion for them and have helped some of them but most homeless are by choice. I knew a one legged homeless guy that was given a decent camper and destroyed it then was given a nice wood portable building and destroyed it to. He is homeless.
Say it ain't so... We keep getting told that these are good people who are facing hard times... I think much of the issue is a result of unfettered immigration and the displacement of mentally ill. The American Citizen gets treated like crap. No one cares because the homeless do not vote, they just drop out.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 18, 2010
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Perry okl.
The wife and I was in Tulsa headed to Dongs and stopped at quick trip. Didn’t realize what we stepped into till we was already out of car. Wife thought she was going to help out spent a good chunk money on bottled water and donuts in bakery inside. She gave it to them and when we got in car they threw it in trash can. I told her you can’t help these type of people till they want help. No way hell would I let her give them a dollar. Learning experience at a cost.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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So, imagine you are a single person working a subsistence level job,,,
Then you lose that job.

Most people are only three paychecks away from being completely broke,,,
So after a few months of no income you get evicted.

Getting a job if you are homeless is virtually impossible,,,
If you have no family to help out in hard times,,,
Next thing you know you're living in your car.

Then registration comes around,,,
And that mandatory insurance requirement,,,
Now your home on wheels gets impounded as well.

It's a quick downward spiral that I've seen happen to good people,,,
Once you are there, it's damn near impossible to get back up.

It could happen to anyone in our economy,,,
Imagine you're a 55 year old person working a manual job,,,
Your company downsizes and all of a sudden you have no income for mortgage, food, transportation, and medical.

People will say that there are plenty of jobs out there,,,
But have you ever sat across an interview desk from a 30-something HR person.

That is one of the most helpless feelings in this modern word,,,
Having your destiny decided by an uninterested millennial college kid.

I could go on and on,,,




Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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When Wif was taking treatment at OU Med, we always seen a woman with 2 kids (girls ~3 & 9, guessing) working a corner on 104th, east of Crest.
She had a sign saying "husband left us, children hungry."
Wif, soft hearted Mom, offered the kids some water and donuts. They didn't want it. "Give me $5, I like McDs."

I was talking about the panhandle with my cousin, he lives near that Crest. He was getting mad, said, "that woman has been on that corner for a good while, Cops 👮‍♂️ don't mess with her. He had stopped at the light. A friend riding with him, rolled the window, the woman walked up. His friend tells the woman, "I live in those apartments there. I'll give you $100 to let me take her (oldest) home for an hour." Unphased the woman answered, "$500."
He countered, "$800 for both." She says she would have to go and watch them, but a $1000.
He tells her he would be back Friday. She said "GREAT"

They talked with a cop 👮‍♂️ that lives in the apartments. He said they had lots of complaints on her. He would look into it.
Last edited:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
So, imagine you are a single person working a subsistence level job,,,
Then you lose that job.

Most people are only three paychecks away from being completely broke,,,
So after a few months of no income you get evicted.

Getting a job if you are homeless is virtually impossible,,,
If you have no family to help out in hard times,,,
Next thing you know you're living in your car.

Then registration comes around,,,
And that mandatory insurance requirement,,,
Now your home on wheels gets impounded as well.

It's a quick downward spiral that I've seen happen to good people,,,
Once you are there, it's damn near impossible to get back up.

It could happen to anyone in our economy,,,
Imagine you're a 55 year old person working a manual job,,,
Your company downsizes and all of a sudden you have no income for mortgage, food, transportation, and medical.

People will say that there are plenty of jobs out there,,,
But have you ever sat across an interview desk from a 30-something HR person.

That is one of the most helpless feelings in this modern word,,,
Having your destiny decided by an uninterested millennial college kid.

I could go on and on,,,


I do agree with you that companies have ceased to care. Only way to get them to care would be to stop buying from them.

Used to be companies had pensions, would compete to have good wages and great benefits. People got COLA increases. That isn't the case anymore.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I do agree with you that companies have ceased to care. Only way to get them to care would be to stop buying from them.

Used to be companies had pensions, would compete to have good wages and great benefits. People got COLA increases. That isn't the case anymore.
Not sure the bums I see in Tulsa would be affected by that, but you are 100% correct.

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