Huntng - for or against and why?

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score

There's multiple reasons that i love to hunt.

First i really like putting good, healthy food on the table and i appreciate that it was killed in the wild, not in a slaughterhouse. Yeah i do eat storebought too so i'm not a purist.. : )

Second i really enjoy the preperation. Hunting for us is a year round project. I've never been on "boxed" hunts...i go where i've prepared for the season (and off season too), i've fed them, i've distributed minerals, put in camera and recon time, counted ratios the best i could and then take what needs or can be taken and to still leave good breeding stock for seasons to come. We help out the population even the ones we never take a shot at. I like spending time out working in the areas i hunt. My son helps a lot and it gives him and I time to hang out away from work, our houses, other hobbies, etc. Hunting and fishing are good for us as family.

We don't care if our friends hunt or not...they are still our buddies and we don't expect everyone to be into it or like it. We are who we are and we do what we do.

I LOVE the hunt itsself. I love being out there where my senses sharpen, when you can see anything moving that shouldn't can hear a leaf crunching and a twig breaking. It's "the zone"...and i LOVE IT! I also just appreciate nature in general and when i'm out there hunting i'm right in the middle of the whole scheme of things. deer, turkey, squirrel, all gets me there. Deer is my favorite though.

We are also thankful for every single animal we harvest and treat them with respect.

And....i don't know about everyone else, but i spend time in blinds and stands in the off seasons just watching critters. Not hunting...just watching.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2014
Reaction score
Pro hunter.I use to hunt quail and dove quite a bit.People that say there is no sport in it have never hunted dove.I have seen some really good skeet shooters get humbled in the dove field.I haven't got to quail hunt if 15 years or so because the private land i hunted on has sold or leased out.I still get out my auto-5 and clean it every November.I did go to a bird farm about 10 years ago and i will say there isn't much sport in that.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Only two kinds of anti-hunters bother me. The "I don't see a need for it" people are the first. What do any of us in the modern western world do in a given day that we "need" to do? What a silly metric to judge any activity. You're not even making a point. Terry Schiavo couldn't even eat or walk or talk or move and modern society kept her alive for years. People don't "need" to do a single thing to survive now.

Which leads us to the second, which is often the same guy. This is often just the second part of his argument after he realizes the first part meant nothing:

Second are the Macho Man anti-hunters. "I just don't see any sport in it" they say over their steak and stout beer. "I shoot guns but I guess I don't feel a need to kill animals to prove I'm a man. I'm a man because of my guns/technical skills/military service/fatherhood/swinging dick attitude."

Yeah, well you're also a toolbag because of the same. Shut and go back to your cul-de-sac. Why is masculinity the only component of hunting you're willing to directly/indirectly discuss?

It's like their version of the "guns are a penis extender" theory. "I don't hunt, therefore I am more manly and secure than a man who needs to hunt to feel like a man." Really? Because you sound a little defensive.

City folk anti-hunters don't bother me, and in fact most of them will change their opinions if exposed to hunting by nice, responsible hunters. I've changed more than a few viewpoints. Not everyone is exposed to hunting in their formative years.

I feel less of a need to justify hunting, or any of my life choices really, with each passing year. I used to argue and defend my actions every time they were called in to question. Not so much, now. I hunt because I'm a hunter. Now kindly f*ck off. Good. Be one less person im the woods. Waddle across asphalt in RMNP to take a picture of a a tourist-addled elk and let that be your outdoor experience. that's a lot of butthurt. In your honor, I will now go kill a bunny with my $4000 scoped rifle. Then, I will get said bunny stuffed and mounted to show all the other bunnies what a bad-ass I am.


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2010
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I grew up eating rabbit, pheasant, occasionally a few quail and lots of fish. My dad made enough that it wasn't necessary but He grew up in the depression when it was sometimes the only meat the family had to eat. I love to harvest the food that I eat and serve to my family, including veggies from the garden. Plus I still get the fast heartbeat and shortness of breath when I've got a fat deer in my sights or a bigun on my rod. There is no other feeling like it in the world!
The anti hunter crowd can kiss my @ss


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 4, 2011
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I'm very pro hunting. If you don't and you've tried it that's fine. The "I don't see the sport in it guys" really chap my ass. It takes more skill to harvest a game animal than it does to drive to homeland or some meat market and pick up some meat. The antis who argue about it while wearing leather shoes need to get over themselves. Someone killed the cow that gave the leather for you're shoes. I enjoy putting lean wholesome meat on the table. I know where it came from and that it was wild before I harvested it. Everyone's ancestors where hunter-gathers at some point. So you've just chosen to remove yourself from it. I am a rancher and directly involved with a feed yard. I have also been to a packing house for every species we eat in america, as well as a horse plant that shipped meat to Europe. Anyone of those is more commercialized and cruel than hunting. I also enjoy wild places more than I do the actual harvest of any animal. If you've never heard and elk bugle at 12000 feet or a whitetail buck snort wheeze at 10 yards or a turkey gobble well I'm sorry and if I didn't hunt I would have missed these beauties of nature. A sunrise in the mountains is magical and hunting gives me a reason to be there to see it, that is for me more rewarding than just hiking in the backcountry. Chasing mule deer in Arizona or the badlands of South Dakota is a experience that is for me indescribably wonderful. I don't try and push my beliefs on anyone and won't tolerate some belligerent prick trying to the same to me. We can just agree to disagree. I'll prepare for the next adventure and they can prepare for their next trip to the grocery store. It's amazing how I can look at a landscape and dream of all the game living there and my non hunting friends can look at the same thing and find beauty as well and never wonder if a 210 inch Muley or 380" bull or even a pheasant, quail or chukar lives there. I don't live for the kill more for the chase of wild things on there turf, and matching wits with my quarry. And hoping it makes a mistake and I have luck on my side.

Sent from NSA wire tapped device.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm very pro hunting. If you don't and you've tried it that's fine. The "I don't see the sport in it guys" really chap my ass. It takes more skill to harvest a game animal than it does to drive to homeland or some meat market and pick up some meat. The antis who argue about it while wearing leather shoes need to get over themselves. Someone killed the cow that gave the leather for you're shoes. I enjoy putting lean wholesome meat on the table. I know where it came from and that it was wild before I harvested it. Everyone's ancestors where hunter-gathers at some point. So you've just chosen to remove yourself from it. I am a rancher and directly involved with a feed yard. I have also been to a packing house for every species we eat in america, as well as a horse plant that shipped meat to Europe. Anyone of those is more commercialized and cruel than hunting. I also enjoy wild places more than I do the actual harvest of any animal. If you've never heard and elk bugle at 12000 feet or a whitetail buck snort wheeze at 10 yards or a turkey gobble well I'm sorry and if I didn't hunt I would have missed these beauties of nature. A sunrise in the mountains is magical and hunting gives me a reason to be there to see it, that is for me more rewarding than just hiking in the backcountry. Chasing mule deer in Arizona or the badlands of South Dakota is a experience that is for me indescribably wonderful. I don't try and push my beliefs on anyone and won't tolerate some belligerent prick trying to the same to me. We can just agree to disagree. I'll prepare for the next adventure and they can prepare for their next trip to the grocery store. It's amazing how I can look at a landscape and dream of all the game living there and my non hunting friends can look at the same thing and find beauty as well and never wonder if a 210 inch Muley or 380" bull or even a pheasant, quail or chukar lives there. I don't live for the kill more for the chase of wild things on there turf, and matching wits with my quarry. And hoping it makes a mistake and I have luck on my side.

Well said. The kill is only a part of the outdoors experience.

Yes we all live in nice houses now, but the outdoors is what draws us. Killing an animal for food is the reward for diligence putting in the time to pattern those deer.

Its been 27 years that the wife and I have not bought any store bought ground meat. I don't miss it at all.

Cedar Creek

Special Hen
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
I'm pro-neutral. I love to be outside, love the woods & mountains, love the water, love to camp in the mountains, etc. Some of my family & friends enjoy and share those activities with me, but aren't interested in hunting. Not anti-hunting, but more neutral. Some like the deer meat we usually have. Some don't. We don't criticize each other's point of view and it's all good. I have taught nieces and nephews to shoot, hunt, fish with their parents' blessings, though none of them are really hunters. Just the way it is, and that's OK.

Cedar Creek

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