It's a shame to politicize everything - Companies That Have Cut Ties With The NRA

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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Like I have said in other posts. This shooting is different. The involvement by the left is in full force. They are moving at light speed to try and hurt the 2A as much as they can. No matter what it takes they will do it. Too include using and abusing all those kids. I won’t ever do an ounce of business with these companies ever again.
Aug 7, 2009
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Yep, read it yesterday and the Airlines weren't on the list. Guess I'll be switching to Mcafee AV too
I've been considering getting rid of Norton because of the "bloatware" that others mentioned. I just had a chat with their help desk and confirmed that they have dropped the NRA discount. I told the tech that I would be calling next week to cancel my multiple annual subscriptions. The tech tried to assure me that they could resolve the issue. I told him that I could not support a reaction to current events and would not support attempts at political correctness. He said he was escalating the issue to his supervisor. We'll see.
Jun 13, 2005
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You do know your local location had nothing to do with that decision right?
You need to contact the corporate office and tell them how much business you will no longer be giving them.

True, but telling that to a local manager who knows him in person may cause that manager to complain to corporate. Corporate has no idea who the customer is making the complaint and probably doesn’t care. But when one of their own managers calls corporate and says that his location is losing xxx amount of dollars due to this decision, it may get their attention.

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