John Deere to mexico

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Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Not always so. The teamsters are well known for violence against other truckers.
In the 70’s, I was driving a semi for Rocket Freight lines. We were non-union.
I was on I-35 during the strike. The only truck on the road, when a station wagon pulled up to me, waving to pull over. Guy in the back seat had a shotgun in his lap, so I pulled over. Passenger came back to me and asked if I knew there was a truckers strike ongoing. I did but played dumb. No CB, and cell phones didn’t exist. Told him I’d park it right there if he would call my dispatch for a ride. Gave him the number and sat there until the boss showed up.
Told him I wasn’t going to drive it back, so we traded vehicles and he drove it back.
I was wrong
Those bastards they killed Kenny

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