I used Dr Reinstein off of 71st. He has been doing LASIK for over 20 years and in fact is one of the pioneers of it. It cost $3000 and I believe you get lifetime touchups if needed. He actually uses TLC's equipment. When I had my procedure, we did it at TLC.
I had gone to TLC for a quote and they were $4200 and ended up going over the Reinstein and he quoted $3000.00 for the exact same surgery.
BTW it was life changing surgery for me. I absolutely regret not doing it sooner.
Clear sight center with Dr. Wilson, highly recommend them. I did mine back in April of this year. Wish I had done it 10 years ago. They were great. I was damn near blind with a severe astigmatism and I am now 20/15 with no complications. Mine was bladeless.
I went for a second opinion at Advance with Belardo. I really liked him. I feel like he is trying to do the surgery that is best suited for me, not the one that is quick and easy. I have a pretty severe astigmatism, as well as thin cornea's.... So LASIK isn't the best idea because it leaves no room for error or future touchups. PRK is what he wants to do. But, to fix the astigmatism I have to have an ICL surgery, which I believe was Implanted Corneal Lense. Basically I will get a contact sorta deal on the inside of my eye. A month later they'll go in and fix the rest of the vision issues with PRK. More expensive, more time consuming, and more painful than LASIK but I felt very comfortable with them like they had my best interest at heart. I'm cancelling my appointment with TLC asap and debating having the surgery at Belardo's, because it is more than I wanted to initially spend and I hadn't saved up that much money... but I still think I'll do it.
TLC. Just over a year ago. Spouse and I had Dr. Wilson at TLC. Highly recomended. Just do what they say before and after getting zapped and you will be good to go. Spouse could not see her feet before without glasses or contacts. She is 20/20 no problems. I could see within 10 feet (blury) before and now both eyes are 20/15 on 5 of 5 eye exam. 20/10 on 3 of 5 eye exam. If I needed this done, had 100k in the bank, and it cost 100k, I would spend the money. It's a miracle. It's like getting a super power.
I highly recomend that you back to TLC and have a second opinion on your eyes. Spouse had astigmatism also and thin corneas, now she is 20/20. Have them do a complete eval of your eyes. They will be able to give you an exact treatment recomendation. Just make sure you don't wear any contacts two weeks before the exam.