The Senate will vote tonight on the Lee Amendment. Call or contact Coburn and Inhofe to support this. If it passes, a 2/3rds majority vote of the Senate will be required to pass gun control legislation.
GOA Alert:
GOA Alert:
Senator Lee to Offer Amendment Tonight to Ban Most Gun Control in the Senate
We realize it’s short notice, but we wanted to alert you that, later tonight, Senator Mike Lee of Utah intends to offer an amendment to the budget resolution that would prohibit any gun control legislation which does not have a 2/3 vote in the Senate.
We know, we know. We would prefer to prohibit any and all gun control, even if it had 100 votes.
But if the Lee amendment is passed, the practical effect will be that gun control can never again pass the Senate.
Given the Armageddon-like fight which we are now engaged in in the Senate, achieving a gun-control peace for the rest of our lifetimes would be a good thing.
ACTION: Contact your Senators. Ask them to vote for the Lee amendment which would require a 2/3 vote for the Senate to impose any gun control.
You may Click here to use The Action Center, or you can call your Senators since time is short. The number for the Senate is 202-224-3121.