I feel for you for your raising, Maybe your beliefs and what you say are a lot of your troubles. You go to the wrong place and open up with your opinions and some bad things might happen.Hey hey....here is what I see.
Boomers gave us some great things, like so many, but in doing so they had to do others.
Like war on drugs, or just war all the time...poverty, drugs, racism, and so on. These things have crippled growth of entire swaths of people in this nation.
1 in 6 black males have or will be in the justice system between the ages of 16 and 30. That is absurd to me that somehow we vilify a group of people.
They are a minority too and yet make up the majority of our prison industrial complex. Now do you think that is because of them, or because something isn't really helping them?
I grew up with racism, American Indian and I got spit on by white people, got bullied because I was poor, I am not stupid, got good grades and did volunteer work in school growing up.
I was repeatedly told that I was a stupid ***** by so many teachers, peers, and adults. Even my own blood said so. Hey maybe I am, whatever, but these days. People that know me, they like me.
Because my life sucked growing up. I don't need to get into detail but the state was at one point awarded custody of me after my step father hit me along my spine with a belt buckle 17 times and tossed me out a window.
I had to learn to walk again, and was in state care for over a year till my father was awarded custody. So now...I help those kids that are treated as I was, I show compassion to others when not a soul did for me.
School of hard knocks is what you know, because maybe you life was the same, maybe it was different? My thing is that why can't we make it just a bit better?