Military to use lethal force against Americans??🤬

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Special Hen
Apr 27, 2024
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Haskell Ok
I disagree. Stop allowing your children to be around these idiots. The pubic school system has officially crumbled to indoctrination of children. As long as i can take a breathe my grandchildren will never see the inside of a public school.
I agree in theory, but if you don't play the game that's going on you automatically lose. You *have* to be involved and not just in teaching kids "you can't do that in government", but in teaching kids "If government does this, your recourse is this (tar and feathering, etc). You need to have a large group of like-minded folks with counters to the government power creep.

We spent all of the years from the 1940s until today saying "You can't do that in government" then watching them ignore the constitution and do it anyway. It's time we taught the list of consequences so our progeny knows how to react when someone suggests a new (federal) government agency be created.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I disagree. Stop allowing your children to be around these idiots. The pubic school system has officially crumbled to indoctrination of children. As long as i can take a breathe my grandchildren will never see the inside of a public school.

Trump has stated that he wants to get rid of the federal Department of Education, and I'm all for that. With the federal agency, the teacher's unions and others only have to lobby the feds, whereas if that was gone, they would then have to lobby 50 state Departments of Education and even more local school boards.

The feds' initial encroachment on public schools was called the school lunch program. If the schools didn't abide by fed rules, they didn't get money for that program. Schools did all they could to keep their attendance numbers up.
May 11, 2020
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Biden has the temerity to call Trump a Nazi!
Was Biden BORN that damned stupid? Or did he work to get there? The term "nazi" is derived from the three-word German name - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - for 1930s Germany's "National Socialist (German Workers) Party"!

Nazis are Socialists (Leftists!)!!! There's nothing traditionally 'conservative,' 'Constitutional,' or anything to do with a true 'Republic,' about their political stance. While they did actively refuse outright communism [generally just because Germans and Russians hated each other, anyway], the Nazis undeniably were very much anti-business, anti-bourgeois (wealthy class) and anti-capitalism... EXACTLY as America's Leftists are today!

Today's American Leftists' attempts to publicly label the far-right - which they term 'extremism' - as 'Nazi.' But that's simply more of those Liberals' poorly-disguised attempts to follow Saul Alinsky's 1954 advice, to "accuse your opponent of what YOU are doing!"
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Any American that will kill another American over orders from their government is a POS.

"I don't understand it; how did the Nazis throw their own citizens in camps?" History may be about to rhyme. Only this time if it happens, I hope force is met with force.
you can bet your arss, we outnumber them.


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
The further those working for the government exceed the bounds in the Constitution, the more We the People are are required to reign them in. It starts with the vote. If that fails, then resistance is required. Resistance starts with civil disobedience and goes up from there.

Remember, our fight for freedom, constitutional government, and securing our rights would be a battle between We the People and those calling the unconstitutional shots. For all intents we have no beef with the military - they are mostly recruited from We the People after all. I believe those in the military know this and will act according to the principle of disobeying any unlawful orders.

As I said earlier, it is not the job of the military to protect those in power from We the People. It is up to those in power to govern in a manner to make civil war, revolution, and/or insurrection unnecessary. So far, those in government have and are doing a good job of leading us down the path toward those abhorrent remedies.

Make some good choices this November 5th and maybe - just maybe - the trend will be reversed. All the real power is in our hands. Remind those in government that they work there at our pleasure, not theirs.

Time to clean house.

Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You don't win wars by being defensive.
Actually, they do.
Ho Chi Minh was quite the visionary. (Also worked for the USA prior to the war)
"It's better to sacrifice everything than to live in slavery"

"Everything depends on the Americans. If they want to make war for 20 years, then we shall make war for 20 years. If they want to make peace, we will make peace and invite them to tea afterward."
Guess what, the politicians lost that war for the military and it's a vacation destination for lots of Americans now.

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