I sat in one of your brigade training briefs for a week about your train up at NTC in April of 2010. You could feel the tension as no one was willing to speak out of what I would assume was fear. It was way awkward. I couldn't leave Knox fast enough. Only good thing about that brigade is their coin was the size of a SAPI plate. I never received one, only saw one.
I don't think I ever got to see one and I was in the S-3 shop, mostly shamming though. I had to go to that NTC rotation in August of 2010 even though I ETSed in September. I had VA appointments during August but the BDE CSM(db) wouldn't let me leave NTC for them. My job for those 31 days was on white cell going around the rear area and picking up trash. I was pretty mad about all that and they did that to a lot of guys because they chose not to extend their time through the upcoming deployment.