Obama skipping Nancy Reagan's funeral

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
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A funeral isn't a pagan anything - it is quite natural for humans to wish to grieve together to allow themselves to say goodbye in the company of their fellow mourners.

Honoring the dead is pagan, a funeral is a commercial twist on it.
Grieving together and all is one thing, but this thread is about him not attending to honor her.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Some of the liberals posted terrible things when Nancy Reagan died such as, "died-dong, the old witch is dead etc." The sis deplorable and I can't think of one Repub who would do such a thing. And Obama's failure to go to the funeral? He's going to a high-tech groupie meeting instead and it is probably better because he'd want to give a speech to let everyone know he is there. I've known a few people in my lifetime that were egotistical but none as bad and crude as Obama.

Hard to remember a post more in need of a LOL than this.


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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Honoring the dead is pagan, a funeral is a commercial twist on it.
Grieving together and all is one thing, but this thread is about him not attending to honor her.

It may be that pagans buried their dead too - many cutlures did that but Christian burial and funerals are not borrowed from paganism any more than dinner is because people had dinners before Christianity was revealed.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2013
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Pryor / Salina
President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not attend Lou Henry Hoover’s funeral in 1944.
President Carter didn’t attend Mamie Eisenhower’s funeral in 1979.
President Reagan did not attend the longest-lived First Lady in American history Bess Truman’s funeral in 1982.
President Clinton did not attend Pat Nixon’s funeral in 1993.
President Bush did not attend Lady Bird Johnson’s funeral in 2007.
President Obama also did not attend Betty Ford’s funeral in 2011.

In fact, the only First Ladies whose funerals have been attended by a sitting President in the last 70 years were Eleanor Roosevelt in 1962 by JFK and Jacqueline Kennedy in 1994 by Clinton.

Is is fairly normal protocol. Nothing to see here. No "new lows", nothing to do with race or religion, either. Absolutely no need to get fired up.

Oh really.... you honestly believe that race and religion has nothing to do with Obummer's decisions....?!?


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
President Barack Obama will not be attending Nancy Reagan's private memorial service.

The White House will be represented instead by First Lady Michelle Obama. Former First Lady and current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will also attend the service, which is planned for Friday at the Reagan Library in California.

Reagan died March 6 at age 94. Her husband, President Ronald Reagan, died June 4, 2004 at age 93.


Nancy Regan planned her own funeral down to who will be invited, who with play(Marine Corps Band), and who will be pall bearers.

President Obama was on the list of invitees.

Guest List For Nancy Reagan Funeral Includes Mr. T

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) - A number of celebrities and news personalities will join politicians and foreign dignitaries in mourning former First Lady Nancy Reagan at her funeral at the Reagan Presidential Library Friday.

Ten names were released in a statement as confirmed for Reagan’s funeral, in this order:

– Capt. Christopher Bolt, the commander of the USS Ronald Reagan
– Katie Couric
– Sam Donaldson
– Chris Matthews
– Newt and Callista Gingrich
– Wayne Newton
– Anjelica Huston
– Melissa Rivers
– Tina Sinatra
– Mr T

Mr. T, who was famously photographed dressed as Santa with Reagan in his lap at the White House, had joined her “Just Stay No” anti-drug campaign in the 1980s.

First Lady Michelle Obama, former first lady Rosalynn Carter , former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, California Gov. Jerry Brown, and the daughters of former president Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon had already been confirmed to be attending the funeral.

Presidents and first ladies begin preparing their funeral plans while in office. So Reagan, whose funeral plans were decades in the making, was involved down to the details of who would serve as pallbearer to carry her casket, to who would read part of the program, Reagan Library spokeswoman Melissa Giller told CBS News.

Most of the 1,000 people on the meticulously planned guest list was likewise chosen by Reagan herself.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is also confirmed to attend, but more traditionally in the role as a former first lady. Library officials say that if other presidential candidates ask to be invited, those requests will likely be honored.

President Obama will keep his scheduled appointment at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas instead of attending the funeral. Mrs. Obama was also scheduled to attend the conference but will detour to attend Reagan's funeral.

Last month, the president was criticized after he skipped the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

The late first lady will be buried next to her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. She will lie in repose at the library on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Reagan had prepared a guest lists for the funeral before her death, with more than 1,000 people invited, including the Obamas, former presidents and first ladies and other dignitaries.

The White House released a presidential proclamation Monday, directing flags to be lowered to half-staff in Reagan's memory.



Jan 24, 2013
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Headline: Obama will not attend Nancy Reagan's funeral.
OSA: Just shows how classless he is!
Random OSA'er: Sitting presidents don't attend former first ladies funerals.
OSA: Crickets.


Headline: Obama to attend Nancy Reagan's funeral.
OSA: How classless, wasting tax dollars while stealing the spotlight! He doesn't deserve to be there and he's not wanted.
Last edited:

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Rules are in place for a reason. Calling people names is not cool. Thats the old OSA. Some people are just too ignorant to know better I guess. Mr Tanner went to a lot of trouble to find that info. [emoji107]

(Tapatalk)- on the road.

Ha, I've been called a lot worse than a limp-wristed Mr. Google here.

Oh really.... you honestly believe that race and religion has nothing to do with Obummer's decisions....?!?

Well, he's openly Christian, so I'm not sure what you're getting at there, and he's half white, so again.... what?


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2013
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Pryor / Salina
Ha, I've been called a lot worse than a limp-wristed Mr. Google here.

Well, he's openly Christian, so I'm not sure what you're getting at there, and he's half white, so again.... what?

My point is, in my opinion, his actions speak much louder that his words. He is constantly bashing Christians/Americans and praising Muslims. Just like he bashes whites and praises blacks.

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