OK Republican calling for forced vaccininations - as predicted

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Jan 24, 2013
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I knew you'd go ahead and side with your neo-con buddies Ace...you know as well as I do that by doing this, they would disenfranchise the majority of people who wish to opt out...it is a form of coercion to deny access to public school for which I pay taxes for, because I will not do something that you think is best for my kids...sick control freaks and fear mongers is what we are dealing with...don't mess with our children and our freedom.

Since joining this board I've been called everything except a gentleman. But, that is damn sure the first time I've been called a neo-con. Not sure if I should be pissed or amused.


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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not available
vaccines as all drugs can have negative affect on some people. vaccines should be recommended but not mandated or forced on anyone that doesn't want them.we didn't have a problem until we left our immigration policy to allow mass migration from countries who haven't the culture or hygiene to keep these diseases under control.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I think a better question is why vaccine makers haven't developed tests to determine whether a particular vaccine will or will not be detrimental to the health of the recipient, BEFORE it's given to them? I think the answer is $$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it would be disengenuous to tell any parent who's child was harmed by a vaccine, that it's for the good of everyone else and they had an obligation to do it. :(


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles

I am waving the BS flag on this one right off the bat. There is another group called "the middle class who are willing to make material sacrifices for the welfare of their children" that also home schools. I would bet that they constitute either an outright majority or a plurality of home-schoolers at least based upon my home-schooling experience. They are the people that forego an additional car or extra income so that one parent can be home to teach, maybe the parents trade off to enable each to keep their respective jobs, etc. I knew folks who staggered their work times (one worked 8-4 and the other 5-9 so they could "cover down" on their kids' schooling). I sympathize and empathize with some of what you've written in the rest of your post but I think it is piss-poor to start off with a slanted view in the opening statement.

Thank you. I'm friends with one of the middle class couples who do just what you describe. It's not that hard ... you just gotta get your priorities straight.

I found out, after my first husband passed away, that he had been in a convalescent center for several years. The result of a closed head injury from riding his motorcycle without a helmet. I suppose some would say he had been really lucky. Knowing what I did about him, I'm pretty sure he would have disagreed with them.

Anyway, the SS payments that our two sons would have received was actually more money tha. I was making working two jobs back then. It would have allowed me to stay home with my boys and homeschool them. My parents told David they didn't know where I was (a lie) and didn't let me know the boys were eligible for benefits. I will never forgive them for taking that opportunity away from my children.

And I'll never be able to figure out folks who are so mean-hearted and miserable as to do something like that. People suck.

Oh ... and I still would have vaccinated my children ...


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Since joining this board I've been called everything except a gentleman. But, that is damn sure the first time I've been called a neo-con. Not sure if I should be pissed or amused.

LOL, I did not call u a neo-con, I said that because I know you are the furthest thing from it (although on this board that could be a compliment in some cases). I am trying to get you thinking. I acknowledge you are not for forced vaccines, but denying people a public education based on a controversial subject is as close to coercion as you can get. Let's now allow lie detectors in court...see what I mean?

vaccines as all drugs can have negative affect on some people. vaccines should be recommended but not mandated or forced on anyone that doesn't want them.we didn't have a problem until we left our immigration policy to allow mass migration from countries who haven't the culture or hygiene to keep these diseases under control.

Ahhh yes, the border...a perfect example of where the left is flooding us with disease and welfare recipients and the conservative right thinks the best reaction is to attack other conservatives by compelling them to get vaccines...how about we pass a law to close the border..this Irvin Chen could start by making a law to prevent any illegals into our state. But no, he'd rather make productive citizens suffer at the hand of government. Your post was fair and thoughtful regardless what your personal feelings may be on vaccines, thanks.

I think a better question is why vaccine makers haven't developed tests to determine whether a particular vaccine will or will not be detrimental to the health of the recipient, BEFORE it's given to them? I think the answer is $$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it would be disengenuous to tell any parent who's child was harmed by a vaccine, that it's for the good of everyone else and they had an obligation to do it. :(

Another fair and thoughtful post. Even if Glocktogo personally prefered to vaccinate and "hoped" others did so, he shows he isn't willing to ignore any and all concerns of the other side just because he hasn't been personally affected or concerned by vaccines. The fact is, there are a lot of parents that used to be militantly pro-vaccine that changed their minds after their child suffered an adverse reaction. Why subject children to this by force and across the board without looking at the cost/benefit of each vaccine?

But We had another extensive thread about adverse effects..this thread is more to flush out those here who'd use the power of the gov't to oppress people that have legitimate concerns about vaccines (religious, medical, philosophical, whatever)...many who would support this legislation have no plans to even look at the counter arguments against government coercion of vaccines. There are principles at stake here...you can be pro-vaccine but still against a sneaky way to force people. Long live freedom of choice to decide what's best for your kids. And no I do not mean criminal child abuse, I mean doing what you think is best for your kid based on your own sound mind. For example, many of you on here feed your kids all sorts of food colorings and high-fructose corn syrup laced with mercury, etc...I do not want to interfere with that, but don't try to force it on mine...your child's immune system will be weaker due to that bad diet and I could argue is putting my child at risk because you are not doing everything you can to keep your kid healthy and prevent the spread of disease...but I don't...I accept the fact that if you want to feed your kid that garbage and take your chances, that it is the norm in America right now and I have no way to control all risks my child will face. I can't force your child to take a multi-vitamin to protect my child's health...nor can you force mine to do it to attend the same school we both pay for...maybe they can get some "0bama pills" and require all children to recite a pledge of loyalty to him and then take the pills shaped like his head that Michelle-O gets to determine the ingredients of just like she does for the prison food your child is fed at school??? Would you support that?

Maybe they could sing a special song everyday before school began in place of the pledge of allegiance, and then be administered their required state mandated vitamins and vaccine boosters too so people like ccrcboatz and others could feel safe?

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Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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I'm all for vaccinating my children, and letting you not vaccinate your children. I will say, I think it's totally fine to make vaccination a requirement for public school, but as I understand this legislation would extend to private schools, and that's just not cool. Private schools should stay private, and set their own admission standards.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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I think a better question is why vaccine makers haven't developed tests to determine whether a particular vaccine will or will not be detrimental to the health of the recipient, BEFORE it's given to them? I think the answer is $$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it would be disengenuous to tell any parent who's child was harmed by a vaccine, that it's for the good of everyone else and they had an obligation to do it. :(

This remark reminds me of something an attorney would day.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Thank you. I'm friends with one of the middle class couples who do just what you describe. It's not that hard ... you just gotta get your priorities straight....And I'll never be able to figure out folks who are so mean-hearted and miserable as to do something like that. People suck.
Oh ... and I still would have vaccinated my children ...

BB - sorry to hear this happened, no, was done to you. But don't give up on people, some do suck but not all. There are many fine people out there doing good every day unasked and often unnoticed - look hard and you'll see them.

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