Yeah, I'm super liberal.That nice wide shoulder/gutter pan set aside for bicyclists (which was not paid for by the bicyclists community) is the bicycling lane. And, I believe by state statutes, cyclists are required to ride in when present. Meaning, don’t ride in traffic lanes when bike lanes are available. Regardless of what kind of small rock trash may be there.
I’ve read the manuals, the complaints of the trash in the narrow adjacent bike lanes. The retiming of traffic lights in downtown to make it convenient for cyclists to make the light so they don’t have to stop/start at signals. But, it’s okay to inconvenience the driver. Also, allow the cyclists to travel the wrong way on a one way street because they are more likely to take a direct route to their destination. (So this would allow them to break the law legally now). Which, puts all the responsibility on the vehicle driver and not the cyclist. A nice way for a driver to loose his butt in a law suit.
It’s amazing my generation survived riding our bicycles without a single paved trail or lane yet today we have to set aside designated routes for cyclists. And then, listen to them complain about what they got that they didn’t pay for out of any fees established for cyclists. What an ungrateful liberal lot.
I was trying to explain why you might find a bike using the road. It's usually a safety thing for the cyclist. I'm not sure why there is such hostility towards bikes, but whatever I guess.
I wouldn't ride anywhere downtown during the week. Too many angry 4 wheelers, clearly.