Oklahoma private gun sales???

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Oct 14, 2021
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Iv never seen so much fear from selling gun.
I guess because they purchased from an ffl or have a ccl they are law bidding. No such thing as a bad guy purchasing a gun legally then using it illegally😂
Down here where I’m at we have what ya call the dog trade! You NEVER know what you’ll get. Guns come in all flavors and prices. I purchased an sig 1911 for $100. Not stolen
Purchased a Taurus g3 for $150 turns out it was stolen. I didnt get a charge they just took and I was out $150. I purchased a couple 10/22s for $100 each There currently a mini 14 for $350. I haven’t got it yet but I will.
I guess we need to start getting this place…. Some of You knuckleheads vote so far left you type blue
I guess if your to scared to sell then when you do you claim it on your taxes?
"No such thing as a bad guy purchasing a gun legally then using it illegally" I think you were joking there since damn near every nut job that goes on a rampage it is reported, bought his gun legally. They even usually report the dealer I guess in an effort to hurt his business. If they use a gun WITHOUT a background check that's is HIGHLY promoted as a need for background checks. I have a CC permit so my FFL is not required to do a background check but he still does one everytime to cover his ass. I don't blame him because if someone gets a transfer with a fake CC permit I assure you if the ATF finds out they will still blame the dealer.
I'm not "afraid" to sell a gun, like I said earlier I usually sell a couple a year to refine my collection but as anyone here knows advertising a gun and selling one are not the same. I usually just try for a couple weeks then if no go it goes back in the safe. I'm NOT gonna bump a gun every day for 3 yrs like I've seen sometimes, a watched pot never boils. I would rather be careful about selling then spend 10 years in government housing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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Good grief, go sell to a gunshop and just dont do private purchases or sales. People in Oklahoma have sold, purchased, and traded more firearms than anyone could even remotely estimate and the only people serving a dime or any time…. Are idiots who committed crimes with a firearm or fell for a UC op and tried to buy a sawed off shotgun or full auto capable firearm. None of which Ive ever encountered nor found to be a case by several career OK LEOs
OK well your anecdotal memory is good enough for me. I guess that guy in Arkansas that got shot the head by the ATF failed to blurt out fast enough "I've never encountered nor found to be a case by several career OK LEOs" A lot of dealers will even give you up to half of what your guns worth, so yes that is an option. I guess I'm just a sissy for wanting to be clear about the law and for not trusting the ATF on ANY level. If I'm wrong I will have hassled for several minutes learning the law. If you're wrong you'll will be Bubba's roomie for a few years. I apologize profusely, your logic makes perfect sense now.


Special Hen
Apr 27, 2024
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Haskell Ok
you guys sell guns.jpg

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Good grief, go sell to a gunshop and just dont do private purchases or sales. People in Oklahoma have sold, purchased, and traded more firearms than anyone could even remotely estimate and the only people serving a dime or any time…. Are idiots who committed crimes with a firearm or fell for a UC op and tried to buy a sawed off shotgun or full auto capable firearm. None of which Ive ever encountered nor found to be a case by several career OK LEOs
So your a truth teller?

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