One of the things wrong with America

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
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'Murrica! I don't what's worse, the legal system(for letting this happen)
The legal system is mostly fine*. A legal system that filters out cases before they're even heard is a broken legal system, yet that's what your advocating. To the contrary, it is the legal system of a free country that allows any law suit to be filed with the appropriate fees and procedures followed. I wouldn't want to live in a country where the government (often the defendant as well) can arbitrarily dismiss a case before it's even heard.

Filing a lawsuit is not the same as the lawsuit doing well in court. Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure allows the court to smack down frivolous law suits with a fine and/or other sanctions on the opposing attorney/party for essentially wasting the court's time.

*although intellectual property badly needs a reform, and torts could use a look at, but it's mostly ok... and I think a defendant in a criminal case should have the right to ask for a bench trial and not have to get permission from the prosecutor

Lots of folks think we should change the entire system for the one-percenters so they don't have to overcome adversity, either due to their health, their bodily features, or their general desire to just not overcome a problem. It's not their fault, so we should pay for it. Not that I think this way, but a lot of folks do.
So you think that disabled people should just overcome their adversity and deal with it because it's their fault? I mean it's true, the military is a volunteer service and when you sign up, you are told that you have the chance of dying, but you really think we shouldn't support disabled vets with tax payer dollars? If that's how you really feel, that's your right, but that's kind of harsh for someone that risked life and limb so the rest of the country can live in relative peace.

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