I went with sometimes because I think it is dependent upon the situation. I can CC at work, but I don't know what the reaction would be if I OC. If I'm told the owner would prefer me not to OC, then CC I will go. Depends on who I'm with as well....wife isn't a big fan of carry so would CC then.
I went with sometimes. I don't plan on it, but I never know what a situation might bring. If its my only option at the time I would rather OC than not carry at all.
I said sometimes, I hope enough people OC on a regular basis to get the rest of the citizens in the state used to it and to help them see that its not going to be the bloodbath or old west days like the opponents of OC say it will be.
I voted "sometimes", as in 2% of the time. I'll open carry on private property when hunting or hiking. The only time I could see exposing my gun on purpose would be if I were in a situation where I felt that a crime were immenent or highly likely and exposing my gun would prevent it.
I may chose to occasionally carry in an OWB holster covered by a shirt, not worrying about accidentally exposing myself but that'd only be when necessary for comfort, like on a long car ride or something.