It was legit. There were 3 of us who scored 24 seconds at that stage. Im just glad i lap time stopped the clock before i looked back at the guy on the glass. Getting to prone with a loaded rifle asap is the key on this stage. That will easily be half of the stage time for the faster shooters. Shenanigans is Shakeyhand doing it in 15 seconds...
As for me, deficiencies and lessons learned have been noted as part of the continuing process of improvement. I thought I did better overall than the numbers showed, but they dont lie. Ill take my 6th place and learn from it.
Just giving Jeff sh*t. He gets a big head and can't let it go unchecked.
Confirming my zero prior would have been helpful but I honestly just need more trigger time.
Were you 6th on that stage, all shooting, or overall on the 10k?